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Alchoholic Dog

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    Alchoholic Dog

    Hi all,

    I have a Great Dane puppy, 8 months old, black and white called Domino.......

    We have just been for a our area tomorrow is glass recycling day,......lots of people have but their recycling boxes out tonight so that they can be collected tomorrow.

    Old Dom has just decided that it is good for him to wander up to peoples boxes and lick every bottle that is within slurping range!..........It has taken 20 minutes longer to do the same route due to his new found love for wines and spirits!

    Maybe I should enrol him into MWO!!!

    All the best


    Alchoholic Dog

    hi there..wimpey. now that remind me of my dog wishbone .my red bone hound. he use to love to drink with me and would take my beer from me when i wasnt looking or when walk away. he could put a 6 pack away now i dont drink and he is just a lazydog ...thanks for the memory..and have a great day
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Alchoholic Dog

      Domino :welcome: to MWO ......

      We could have a whole new section here ..........

      ps ...... Nice to see you W xx


        Alchoholic Dog

        Nice to see you too Betty.....

        Glad to see you arrived safe and sound.......




          Alchoholic Dog

          :h my dogs hate beer,,when they hear a can shey sulk,,,as they know there long walks have gone for a bit,,,but l am on af day 15,,,and do nothing but walk and there are very happy dogs:h
          there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


            Alchoholic Dog

            Well done on 15 days K......thats brilliant!.......keep it going,......I will have to talk to Domino about his new found problem or just avoid walks on tuesday!!


              Alchoholic Dog

              That made me laugh, thanks!
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Alchoholic Dog

                Enroll him in a 12-paw program before he gets out of control.....
                If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                  Alchoholic Dog

                  I must confess, my dog drinks beer too. When is the first DA meeting? :H


                    Alchoholic Dog


                    My horses LOVE my beer, I have to watch them when I am brushing or saddling so they don't knock it over while trying to drink it!:H

                    Guess they need MWO also, they don't have paws for a 12 paw program.

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Alchoholic Dog

                      wow even animals can develop addictions. well am up for supporting our 4 legged friends if they become problem drinkers.
                      my feeling is that horses and dogs know how to moderate. kitties don't like wine or beer.
                      maybe if it was fish flavored.:lol3: :banana:
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        Alchoholic Dog

                        Ooooh fish flavoured beer.....that just seems so wrong on so many levels!.......


                          Alchoholic Dog

                          fish flavored beer and wine is for cats you silly rabbit
                          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                            Alchoholic Dog

                            SOME cats like wine -- weird ones. When I was 10 or 11, my parents served wine on Christmas Eve. They usually just drank on special occasions and the adults all had some. Our big fat calico cat finished off someone's glass after it was taken to the kitchen. We all caught him licking the last drops. About 10 minutes later, he curled up purring on the arm of the sofa. My Mom had a candle lit on the end table and his tail caught on fire! He didnt notice though, it went up in flames fast and we all freaked out and woke him up, he took off running with tail on fire (and of course oxygen makes it burn better) and he missed the door way while heading out and ran into the wall instead, which enabled us to throw a towel on him and get the fire out! No harm done, but no more wine left out for Fluffy! :H
                            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                              Alchoholic Dog

                              poor fluffy!

                              What a story, never heard of cats doing that, bet she was drunk (why she ran into the wall, but thank GOD she did so you could put out the tail!!!:H ) Just had to laugh!!

                              Love,:h :l

                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

