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Modster Wednesday - 2/6

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    Modster Wednesday - 2/6

    Ok, up and at em!

    AF last night. Hubbie was at a meeting. I felt kindof antsy though. I guess I am too used to relaxing at the end of the day with a drink. I made it through though. I am trying for at least 1-2 AF nights per week.

    Did anyone see Dr. Oz on Oprah last night? I like him a lot.

    Modster Wednesday - 2/6

    good morning!

    Well done AF yesterday :goodjob:

    I am starting to wonder if I will EVER succeed in getting a few under my belt.....hubby was buzzed when I got home and I ended up having 2 (only 2, so that is ok for me) BUT to be AF for a few days feels sooooooooo good!! When it is meant to be, I am sure it will happen!!:sighbubble:

    Everyone have a WONDERFUL day, no matter your goals!!!:thumbsup

    love and hugs!!!!:h

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      Modster Wednesday - 2/6

      Good morning Ducky and all modsters to come. No I did not see Dr Oz on Oprah but would have liked to. I saw him once and bought two of his books which I am anxious to start reading. Doing just fair on the mods this week, maybe its the cold gray weather or boredom. Either way it sure helps to check in here every day and get that extra encouragement and hopefully give some back.


        Modster Wednesday - 2/6

        watched Oprah

        Yep, I watched Dr Oz on Oprah yesterday...lots of great tips for taking years off your age!! I'm drinking my 4 cups of green tea today...


          Modster Wednesday - 2/6

          Hi Cowgal, we must have been posting at the same time. I'm with you a couple days feels really good. Something I need to remember at least 3 days during the week.


            Modster Wednesday - 2/6

            Mary, if by chance you check in I just wanted you to know that I am thinking abourt you and your family and the pillar of strength that you are.

            I got a call yesterday from my BIL very upset. My older sister is not doing well and he is afraid for her. She is a complicated case of severe clinical depression, severe chronic back pain and drinking to excess every night now. This sister does not live in the same city as me so all my counseling with her is over the phone. The good news is that she recognizes that she is in a downward spiral that is getting out of control and she is willing to take the necessary steps. Her psychiatrist perscribed her Campral and I convinced her to actually start taking it.
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              Modster Wednesday - 2/6


              Sorry to hear about your sister...........long distance at that makes it more difficult. My sister drinks way too much according to everyone up where she is (Baltimore), but there is nothing I can do for her.............she doesn't even think she has a problem and until she does, she won't accept any help any of us try to give her...........

              Mary my thoughts are with you today........hope you are hanging in there and all our prayers are answered for you..............:lilangel:

              Everyone else, take care and good luck whatever your goals...........I will moderate today, as we will go out w/ fil to dinner, lots of drinking, I just hope I can stick w/ my 2 like last night:fingers:


              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                Modster Wednesday - 2/6

                Hi Modsters,
                Doing ok here just got some antibiotics for a sinus inf and the kids have been sick with 104+fevers so it's been hectic.

                I didn't see Dr. Oz but do like him.

                PP that must be so scary not to be able to be close to your sister right now. I am glad she's listening to you though.

                Hope you all meet your goals tonight, me as well!
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Modster Wednesday - 2/6

                  Hi everyone, Beaches that sucks that the kids were so sick and PP hope you sister feels better soon and the meds help her, good thing she has you for a sister. My sister had some health issues a while back and had the whole family a wreck I know how much you care and want her better.

                  Its snowing so much here about a foot on the ground since last nite and its still coming!!!!!!!!!!!!



                    Modster Wednesday - 2/6

                    Hi Modsters.
                    PP- Sending prayers to you & your Sis.:h That's got to be hard being far away & knowing she's going thru a tuff time like that.
                    I know I've worried my sister a lot over the years. Hopefully not so much these days...

                    Beaches-Hope you & the kiddos feel better soon. The dentist was less "pleasurable" than I remembered...:upset: ...and more expensive!
                    Looks like I'll be spending a whole lot more time & $$ there soon... WHAA!

                    Where is the "Tooth Fairy" when you really need her?:H (must be a guy... MIA! LOL "soft slippered" & unavailable!)

                    At least I moderated well yesterday... food & drink. I had none of either, except for water till about 4:30, when I was on my way home from dentist appt. My dentist is about 85 mi up the coast from here, and of course it was a rainy day... so made for a long drive.
                    I finally stopped for a tostada before driving home. I didn't want to eat after paying $305 for having a consultation & cleaning! Ouch!

                    I hate the dentist. She sold me this dental rinse she wants me to use, that will stain my teeth! What's the point? I have to take Dilantin for seizures, which is bad for my gums. But after reading up on this rinse she wants me to use, it sounds worse! Think I'll stick with toothpaste & baking soda till just before my next appt. I'm not going to go around with stained teeth! Especially with her prices!
                    She came highly recommended, but I might still check around a bit more.
                    I don't have dental insurance. Ughhh.
                    Sorry to snivell.
                    Done now...

                    Hope everybody has a great day.
                    Love ya ALL bunches.
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

