Remember before we left I had earache and generally felt unwell, well gradually it has got much worse, and today I woke up feeling awful, I had coughed so much in the night that Mr B had gone in the spare single bed in Kerries room, My head ached, my throat is raw, can't stop coughing, aching chest, totally lost my voice (which Mr & Mini B think is quite funny)etc. etc. but as I didn't want to spoil the day I still went ahead and went to the parks as planned .............
I managed until 2.30 when my ribs were aching from coughing and I was so exhausted that I just sat down and cried ...........:upset:
So if anyone has any big strong arms to hug me with I would really appreciate it ........
Love & Hugs, BB :h :l
PS if the person that sent me the hatemail about my holiday reads this, you can remove the pins from the Voodoo doll now ...... please ......... :H