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Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

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    Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

    Oooh Ducky!!! Erm.....herb butter sounds goooooood! (Wotheheck is Emerille's essence for a limey like me?!!?!?? Sounds intriguing!!)

    Can't wait!!! Rumble, rumble!
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

      It's a cajun spice mix developed by Emerille Lagasse. I am not sure if I spelled his name right and I am too lazy to check. He is a very popular cook featured on the Food Network (cable) station. He makes a lot of spicy dishes.

      OK, I stopped being lazy and I spelled his name incorrectly. The recipe is below. I coat the salmon with it then saute it in very hot grapeseed oil. Yum!!!

      Emeril's Creole Seasoning (Essence)
      Recipe from New New Orleans Cooking by Emeril Lagasse and Jessie Tirsch, Published by William and Morrow, 1993
      Show: Emeril Live
      Episode: Herbs and Spices

      2 1/2 tablespoons paprika
      2 tablespoons salt
      2 tablespoons garlic powder
      1 tablespoon black pepper
      1 tablespoon onion powder
      1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
      1 tablespoon dried leaf oregano
      1 tablespoon dried thyme
      Combine all ingredients thoroughly and store in an airtight jar or container.


        Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

        I'm starved too, but just had to tell you what a lovely suprise I just had ....

        Prest4time just called me in my hotel room, we chatted for ages it was lovely .........

        I've eaten so much rich food over the last few days that i'm cooking steak and mashed potatoes ...........


          Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

          Accountable, I used to be a terrible cook. When I got married the second time I stayed home to take care of 2 of my hubby's children. I finally had time to learn. I am quite good if I have a good recipe but will never be one of those intuitive types who just knows what spices and herbs to throw together to make up an awesome dish...Oh well, can't have everything!


            Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

            I love steak and mashed taters. Please make mine very rare BB. And lots of heavy cream and butter in the taters.


              Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

              I love to cook too. I kind of lost my passion for cooking when I started working full time after my little one was born. Not enough time in the day for much. Too tired - you know?

              I love steak and mashed potatoes too. My hubby took me out for a nice supper on Friday night and I had the best steak ever. It had real crab, shrimp and Bearnaise sauce on it. Steak neptune is what it's called. I didn't have the mashed potatoes but had perfectly done veggies! We started with bacon wrapped scallops and garlic prawns. It was soooo good.

              I am totally starving now. IT doesn't help seeing I am hung over too and all I want to do is eat today. UGH!


                Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

                I totally understand why you would lack the energy to cook while working and raising a family. I used to be a career gal with one of those careers that involved getting up at the crack of dawn and coming home at 8 or 9 pm every night. Not that it was appreciated, but it was expected. In those days I got a slice from the pizza place across from my apartment (restaurants were closed) after walking 1/2 mile uphill from the train. Of course I had a little wine to wash it down. It was a sad way to live.


                  Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

                  And when I overdo the A I give myself permission to eat a lot. Not a good idea but it sure does make a HO feel better.


                    Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

                    We have those pizza places here to and I avoid them - not a big fan of pizza. Although, I could eat a whole one right now. LMAO!

                    Those were LONG days! YIKES! At least with my new job that I start on Wednesday, I work from 7-3:30 so I can still muster up the energy to serve my family more creative variations of the mundane meals I use to prepare. As Determinator would say "a crap load of garlic!" My soon to be 3 year old LOVES garlic - she is my spawn! Also, my husband works those hours so he can either take the little one to daycare or pick her up - this will save me from exhaustion as well....


                      Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

                      I like good pizza but it is hard to find. I was living outside of NYC at the time so I was lucky enough to have REALLY good pizza across the street. One of their special pies was a thick tomato pie covered with fresh garlic!!!! Delicious but you had to make sure your other half ate it too.

                      I like those hours. I am a morning person for sure! I hope you like the new job. Can I ask what type of work?


                        Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

                        I will be working as an office manager - doing bookkeeping/payroll/assist the owner at a cedar manufacturing plant here.

                        I, too, am a morning person. Early to rise, early to bed - that would be me!


                          Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

                          I think office manager is a really tough and important job. And very under appreciated. I hope your new company will treat you well!


                            Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

                            I hear they are a good outfit. My hubby's dad knows them, and said they are great. Although my hubby's dad doesn't like me so he could be lying LOL!

                            They have been around since the early 70's. The last office manager was there for over 25 years and has recently retired. So that is all good stuff to know.


                              Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

                              Very good to hear that the last person retired. If she/he quit then you might wonder.

                              Cannot imagine your FIL not liking you! Although I believe my MIL simply pretends she likes me!!!


                                Monday Feb 11th - MODSTERS!!!

                                Oh, trust me.... My FIL does not like me nor I like him. We had it out a couple of years ago. He use to be a big time alcoholic, and it would take him a case of beer to get out of bed at the end there. He quit a dozen years back. Biggest hypocrit I have ever met. He thinks my hubby drinks because I do. He has got to be kidding me! My hubby has been an alcoholic his entire existence....

                                I avoid him like the plague. He really is a mean spirited man. I honestly think he is a woman hater.

                                I could go on forever. My hubby's mom loves me tho. So does his siblings. So I can't be all that bad LOL.

