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Terrific Tuesday 2/12/08!

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    Terrific Tuesday 2/12/08!

    Hey everyone in modsville, I did alright I guess, had 2 beers, that is it.................ate a light dinner, felt like I was getting a sore throat, so turned in early after a REALY REALY hot shower..............feel pretty good this AM

    AFM, read your post yesterday about FIL, sounds JUST LIKE MY SITUATION!!!! I HAVE to drink to stay around him, he is a doctor, VERY judgemental, I never really "had it out w/ him" but w/ my 6th sense, I KNOW in my heart he doesn't care too much forme...........same w/ BIL(His son, an PhD.......another form of "doctor") I just have it in my mind that the"Taylor family" have the biggest egos, my poor MIL (She is divorced from FIL) likes me, but is so isolated when it comes to being around them, we get along so well(maybe that is why!?) We actually visited her in Boca Raton last Sat.........she gave my son her old car and we drove up to Tally on Sunday.............

    Anyway, just wanted to say "I can relate" Family crap sucks.......they know the buttons to push (they installed them!!!? least that is what I have heard!)

    Love:h and good luck, lots of hugs :l to everyone today!!!

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

    Terrific Tuesday 2/12/08!

    Good morning modsters, I had to read yesterday before posting today. All the food talk is killing me. I'm trying to diet, exercise, go AF or mod and stay positive all at the same time. Can't help but think of an Alan Jackson song "Everything I love is killing me, Cigarettes, Jack Daniels and Caffeine." Except in my case "french fries, alcohol, and TV. " Best to all today.


      Terrific Tuesday 2/12/08!

      where is everyone!?

      I just wanted to check in and see how everyone is, nobody except us two KAT20?? They must REALLY be sleeping in or something, cuz it is almost 3PM here!! Hope you are all ok!!!!Don't you all make me worry or something.........that I am VERY good at

      love ya!!:h

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Terrific Tuesday 2/12/08!

        Hi MA & Kat,

        We've just got back from Busch Gardens, need to go back again though because it got rained out!!!!

        All the way round I kept seeing stuffed giraffes and kept thinking about Wimpeys avatar ........ Thanks Wimpey, I refused the free beer :H

        Love & Hugs to everyone, BB xx


          Terrific Tuesday 2/12/08!

          Hi everyone,
          It was a busy day today at work. I got an email that one of the positions I was hoping for just isn't a fit right now. I really need to spend much more time studying. I told them when I interviewed that my goal was to have my first test for my Microsoft certification done by the end of February. The month is half over and I still have lots to learn!

          Day 2 AF for me and I'm planning to stay that way for a while, that should help me with the studying as well!


            Terrific Tuesday 2/12/08!

            Sorry about the rain Betty. I talked to Mom today( she lives near there) and it was storming.

            I hope the weather is better tomorrow.


              Terrific Tuesday 2/12/08!

              Please believe me when I tell you that our 2nd most important mission over here, is to see that smile on your face and to hear your laughter in the wind.

              Oh... Mission #1?

              Having our own fun.

              The Universe

              OK, I do not see it Universe!

              I am taking an evening and turning off the phones, suppose to be at a networking event and damned I can pull that off after all the drama going on in my life. I am on my first drink, will probably make it through three shots which is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over kill for me. I am quite conscious about my decision to drink and in fact hubby went out and bought something and said, didn't think I would ever say this but PLEASE have a drink and settle down!!

              I hear you Waves, counting, I did that forever and for many months over the past year and half would only have one drink when I went out and the occasional wine at home for parties. Remember though how well you are doing. You are not bingeing every night so this is GREAT!!! You are not bingeing 50% of the time. AND you count!! Wahoo! You will find a place sometime soon where it will be 1 binge a quarter and you know what? that is what a lot of non alcoholics call normal!

              Judie, I want to cry over Sammy. I am SOOOOOOOO very sorry that happened. It is so hard to deal with that constant battle and when they are fixed you are wondering WHAT could you possibly be pissed about?!!! Ignore the stupid people of the world that do not know when to shut their mouths. Huge Hugs over loosing him.

              BB, I am so happy for you that you are all feeling well and having a great time!

              Ducky, I love Emeril, he has some amazing essence and recipes, I grabbed one the other day for a ham, so I could grab and go all week, it was super nice. I hope you are doing well, I love your posts! They always make me hungry! AFM, can't have you I want you to come visit ME!!

              MA, sorry about the pain in you knee - damn it is not fun! I was on my for so long yesterday, when I finally got home from the hospital it was so freakin swollen and sore, I could hardly get that brace off. I AM going to walk soon without pain, maybe never without my brace but maybe in a few months without pain? Hugs for you b/c I know this is NOT FUN!!

              Marcie, do you still have the CD's? Maybe it's a help! Hope you enjoy getting the tiles and getting the bathroom in a place you will like! The position you want will be there soon!

              BHOG, you crack me up! I am not sure I have welcomed you! Great to see you here! You can do this and have a wonderful start at it!

              PP, YEAH you are so great, I remember Lent last year, you did very well!! Good for you!!

              Beaches, hope everyone is feeling better and enjoy your trip!!

              Kat20, welcome and good luck on your diet!

              FMS, so glad to see you here, you are doing well . . yes?

              AFM, I love to cook too, make gourmet meals, they happen much more often since the kids are grown! I fit them in while they were growing up, but not the same way when you have a little more time later. Since it is a passion it will last and you will get tremendous joy over the years. I am also a morning person! GOOD for you on the office manager, bookkeeping job!!

              P4T, I am so glad you and BB got a chance to visit with each other! I am also thrilled that you are getting to a wonderfully good place in your life, I can hear it in your posts!

              Wimpey, LOVED the alcoholic dog story! Thanks, I so needed a laugh!

              The reason my husband said, PLEASE have something to drink: My sister's surgery was a 5 1/2 hour nightmare. The uterine possible ovary involvement turned into one of the ovary's tumor grew straight through the colon. They did a removal and resection there, and scraped all organs inside her for cancer cells. She will need chemo. She has already had one long psychotic episode and I was/am her whipping girl all day. My parents went to the hospital for a couple hours yesterday, with their masks on but my mom must have said 8 times Mary won't let us up in Annette's room. I know my mom has never been the same since her own surgery 1 1/2 years ago, but holy F, this is NOT my fault that she is too sick to see the kid and she can pass this lung disease onto my sister. Want to take the first plane out to you guys in Florida and forget I have a freakin family here to try to take care of!! There it is.

              Feeling beat up and worn down, heading for a bubble bath and a good cry b/c I am the caregiver in all of this and have to be able to let this fly all around me and be OK with it. I am venting though, thanks for that!! Maybe some sleep for me and some better meds for my sister and my outlook will be OK!

              Hugs and Love,


                Terrific Tuesday 2/12/08!

                Love to you Mary.:l :l :l :l
                Enough is enough


                  Terrific Tuesday 2/12/08!

                  HI everyone and MKR I have you in my thoughts and am amazed at how you think of everyone even when you have all that going on. I know you are strong and it could be worse but geezes that sounds about as bad as it can get.

                  Take care,

