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think this is right place for me???

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    think this is right place for me???

    hey modsters, i just found this page and think this is where i should stay!! i been on general disscusion and even tho its great and get loadsa support and help, i feel as im a modster i dont quite fit in ther!! for me it seems there is either abs or drinkers!!
    i dont drink at all from mon to fir but like to have a few vinos at the weekend! i dont get blottoed ( unless special occasion ) but enjoy relaxing and the guilt free time i have on thoses days, my hubby and kids are happy for me to do this and its great cos i used to down 2 botttles every nite for years.
    so i think i will just come straight here to read and post from now on, i will check the other pages out but feel im one of you!! lol
    i feel for me i can happily moderate and get on with my life guilt free for once!!
    i feel normal!!
    lv lakota xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    hi to everyone here
    happy valentines day xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:h

    think this is right place for me???

    Welcome to Mods Lakota,

    Please tell me how you moved from 2 bottles a day to mods on w/ends. That is just great!

    Some of us have the mods thing down, and some of us (me included) still struggle from time to time but really are striving to get it down. I was AF the last two nights while hubby was away and feel great about that. Last night I didn't sleep well though. I felt like a had a coffee buzz even though I hadn't had any late in the day?

    Off to pilates and taking the piggies to the vet today. Hope all Modsters are well.

    Tx for starting the thread and welcome again!!!:welcome:


      think this is right place for me???

      Hi Lakota,

      Sounds like you are doing great on mods. Welcome aboard.

      Went to Ducky's earlier ( had to beat MA to the steaks!) Loved it. What a shame poor BB is stuck in Florida.

      Just cooking quinoa for supper now so should be buzzing tomorrow.

      :h Mary.

      Love to all as always.
      Enough is enough


        think this is right place for me???

        Hello Lakota, Ducky, Waves and all to come. Lakota, I too would like to know how you went from 2 bottles a night to mods on the weekend. I am hoping to get AF during the week and mod on the weekend as well. This week I went Sun & Mon, which is a big deal for me as There had been so many days, weeks, months I would have some or alot every day. Ducky, don't you worry about that story, been there, done that too. I was at this big summer party at the country club and decided I had better eat something as we had been just drinking for awhile. I got this cheese burger that I had to wait in line for. On the way back to my table I slipped on this slope and lost my burger. Well I tell you, I wanted that so bad I looked around to see who was looking, picked off the grass, went back to my table and ate it !

