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Modster Monday - Feb 18th

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    Modster Monday - Feb 18th

    Hope everyone had a great w/e.

    I did pretty well Friday and Saturday considering we had heavy drinking company. Then last night, with him gone, I overdid it a bit. Hmmmmm, maybe the stress of visiting family lifted and I relaxed too much?

    Back on track today. Going to the market to get some fish and cook a healthy dinner. Had too much bad food this w/e.

    Hi to all who follow.

    Modster Monday - Feb 18th

    Ducky and all!
    Good morning! I had a good weekend...totally a/f. I am dealing with some depression, probably from detox; hoping it will pass soon. Today however, has the potential of being a big trigger day at work, lots of stress that I already know about and some I probably will only find out about as the day goes on.
    On a bright note! The kitchen cabinets are all in and look great! We got the light fixtures replaced, and the undercounter & in-cabinet lights are all installed and working! The flooring man was in to measure and we are waiting to get his bid (gasp).
    Oh, yeah, and my recovery is going pretty good! We went to the gym yesterday and I finally got a workout in, except of course for abs. (Which is the one area I am most concerned about!)
    So, anyway, good day to all! & I'll let everyone know how this day went tonight!
    War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


      Modster Monday - Feb 18th

      Good luck BHOG, and great job being AF. I aim to get a couple AF nights in this week, like last. Sorry about the work stress. Maybe you could hit the gym after work to "work" some of it off?

      The kitchen sounds great!


        Modster Monday - Feb 18th

        Well, Ducky, the gym right after work is real crowded with all the "Holiday DietersThey are getting fewer and fewer though! So we probalby will go over later in the evening..after stoppping at the grocery store and having dinner. I still have a LOT to do in the kitchen, and a LOT to do in my personal life..trying to find time to do it all and still be at work at 6:00 am for 10.50 hours straight is a ...fill in the blank...! But my wife and I both like to go to the gym, so we each have a "pusher" for those nights when one of us is feeling like not going! (We both want to look much better than we do right now. Winter has been hard on us.)
        Stay Strong!
        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


          Modster Monday - Feb 18th

          hopping in

          Hope you all don't mind me hopping in..................TERRIBLE weekend, still detoxing, not badly anymore. Today is orficially day 1 and I need to try something like AA to keep me away from AL, cannot seem to get home w/o it................stop EVERY day and p/u 2, but this weekend, 24 hours for 2 days I'd say I stayed wasted...............hubby told me to pack up horses and get out.:upset: ............(Was wasted at the time, yes, we are going back to the old ways)....................I need to get my act together before strong enough to do anything about it though..............we can co-habitate under the same roof, heard about people doing that alot....................anyway enough rambling.

          I joined the ABS thread today, but love you all I hope I can hop on here and say "hi" or whatever, CANNOT make it moderating:tsk: ................seen alot of others who cannot and I am FINALLY joining the club................only took since OCT!!!!!!

          love you all, hugs!!!!!:l
          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            Modster Monday - Feb 18th

            BHOG, you are doing well considering all that is on your plate. Keep up the workouts; they will help a lot. It's nice to have a spouse who likes to work out too. Try not to be too hard on yourself -- you can't change everything at once.

            Cowgal, sorry you had a tough w/e. Hope the abs works better for you. Pop in any time to say hi and let us know how you are doing.

            Quiet here today.


              Modster Monday - Feb 18th

              Well, my stress at work today was a lot LOWER than I expected! Surprise! BHOG generally does a pretty good job of building up scenirios in his head that are a LOT worse than reality ever thought about being, I guess today was another one of those. So, I am [pretty happy with it all!
              I might be back on tonight, if not, I'll catch all of you in the morning.
              War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                Modster Monday - Feb 18th

                Hi Modsters,

                I just realized yesterday that I've been AF for 7 days! I haven't even thought about it! It feels great. I probably won't have anything tonight, but who knows.

                Ducky, sorry you overdid it. All you can do is watch for it next time and be prepared. Set a plan for yourself ahead of time like I'll have 3 drinks or drink water in between.

                Baldie, glad your day wasn't as stressful as you planned!

                Cowgal, rough weekend, ugh that sucks. Sounds like you have a plan and you are going AF for a while. If AA is what it takes then go there too! We all need to use whatever tools necessary to beat this!


                  Modster Monday - Feb 18th

                  :l Mary, Love and hugs to you.:l

                  Hope that you are coping .

                  Hi to everyone else.

                  Was bitten by a dog today -trying to protect my dog who was cowering in fear as she was attacked. Luckily she has a great thick coat to protect her and ended up absolutely fine. I, on the other hand have a big bruise where it got me- but luckily no blood was spilt.

                  Don't tell me I'm a hero/heroine. There has to be something I'm on Earth for!

                  Mary, Love and hugs to you. :l

                  When the SH++ hits the fan what do you do?

                  Grow roses.

                  Well done marcie,
                  Enough is enough


                    Modster Monday - Feb 18th

                    Going to an event tonite with open bar going to try AF the moderating has gone all to hell for me lately. I am saying to myself right now I need none of that alcohol.

                    Sounds like a little stress happening overhere, hope everyone has a relaxing evening.


