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Friday Feb 22 - Modster Mod Squad

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    Friday Feb 22 - Modster Mod Squad

    Good morning all,

    I opened three bottles of red last night!

    But had just two large glasses, about two thirds of one of the bottles. The first one was a gift from my sister in law, who doesn't know wine. It was awful so I recapped it to cook with. The cork in the second one was bad. Was this a sign? Well I did want some wine so I opened a third. And because I had dinner first and got all my chores done (I am finding this is key for mods, for me), I stopped after two good size glasses. And I didn't go back to the "bad" wine for a little more, like I would have in the past!

    It was nice to wake up at 2:30 am to pee and realize I didn't have that sense of shame and dread that goes along with overdoing it.

    I need to work hard to remember how good mods feels and how terrible it feels when I drink too much.

    Enough about me. How is everyone today?

    Friday Feb 22 - Modster Mod Squad

    Hi Ducky, well done on mods that is excellent!!!

    I'm back to reality after the vacation, just started the ironing ..........

    Be back later ......

    Love to everyone ............


      Friday Feb 22 - Modster Mod Squad

      Friday at last!

      Happy Friday to All!
      Good Morning Ducky and BB!
      BB- oh, yeah, back from vacation and can't find the house for the piles of Laundry! I remember those days well!
      I'm still AF right now..haven't had time to sit down and ENJOY a wine in some time. And I'm not sure it will happen this weekend, so much to do! For me, being able to sit and enjoy, not sip sip sip while doing other things, is probably the biggest key to moderation. if I let myself sip while working, cooking, etc. it gets out of hand.
      Lots to do this weekend, as I posted elsewhere Mrs BHOG and I work 4 X 10's so we nominally have Friday off. I say nominally because I still end up on the comptuer and phone.
      Enjoy the day, everyone!
      Stay Strong!
      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


        Friday Feb 22 - Modster Mod Squad

        :goodjob: Ducky.

        Welcome back BB.

        BHOG keep strong.

        Judie where are you????????

        MKR :h

        Seems quiet on here without MA.

        Hi to all. Yesterday my purse was stolen.:upset: while I was trying to prevent my little grand-daughter from wandering away from a cafe where I had just bought her a drink.

        Never mind. there are worse things.

        Love to all as always
        Enough is enough


          Friday Feb 22 - Modster Mod Squad

          Waves, so sorry to hear about your purse. What a pain in the neck. I hope you didn't have too many credit cards in there that you have to cancel. What is wrong with people?

          Hope today brings better things.

          And Mary and Judie, hope you guys are well.


            Friday Feb 22 - Modster Mod Squad

            Good morning Ducky, BHOG &Waves, Good for you Ducky, I know that shame and dread feeling and am glad to hear its not there. Equally, on tossing out the bad stuff. My sister would have been "don't waste that" and she would take my glass my glass I did'nt like along with hers. Still working to get her on board but she does not want to admitt to a problem. BB good luck with laundry, after vacation wash is the worst. If it is'nt dirty it has that funny airplane smell. I did pretty well AF this week and am hoping for a mod weekend. May break out some AF wine and try to alternate . Waves sorry to hear about your purse. You just remined me of something I heard we should do. Take the contents of you purse or wallet (cards) and photo copy both sides and put it in a safe place. That way you have all the info if ever stolen. I'm gonna do that first thing Mon. when I get to work. BHOG, Happy day off, I work 4 days as well. My motto for the weekend is Sip Sip Sip ! Have a great day Mod Squad.


              Friday Feb 22 - Modster Mod Squad

              just joining in!

              wanted to say HI and have a GREAT weekend to everyone in modsville!!!

              Good luck in your endevours!!:goodluck:

              Mary Anne!!:h :h :h
              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                Friday Feb 22 - Modster Mod Squad

                Hey all you modsters! Been just doing chores and stuff here. Waves, I am so sorry about your purse. Sometimes people are hideous. Ducky, I have drank the bad wine when there is nothing else, but I do drink it slower. Bad like cheap, not bad like it turned, nobody could drink that!! BB, getting back from vacation and getting things back to normal is work to be sure. I did not get all that I wanted done but it wasnt cuz I was hung over. BHOG, I bet your kitchen will be gorgeous when it is all done. Have a great day all!!
                The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

