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hello fellow modsters!!!

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    hello fellow modsters!!!

    right ok ive been away for a few weeks, kids birthdays, babysitting my wee nephew and kids on half term from school, agh!!!! they went back today! phew.
    so im back on the wagon, i have a few glasses on the weekend, and feel great to wake up on monday with a clean week ahead of me!
    my trick to not drinking in the week is exercise and lots of housework!!!!
    i take my wee dod for long walks after my workout and then jump in a hot bath before my kids and hubby come home starving!!!!
    i used to down 2 bottles of vino every night and more at the weekend but after realising my body and my bank balance just couldnt take it anymore, just stopped and started exercising to hopefully restoer my poor old body to some of its former glory!!! lol
    lost 6 lbs in 3 weeks and dropped one dress size so far, so it must be working!
    my daughter whos now 12, said to me last week, " mommy, u are such like a different person these days, you are much more fun" , that made me proud and gave me more inspiration to continue with my good work, nothing can beat the support i get from my hubby and kids!!
    so thats my story for today, im off to get the washing on, and do the hoovering!! gee, sounds boring but it works for me lol
    take care all
    love and support
    lv lakota xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    hello fellow modsters!!!

    Hi Lakota,

    Nice to see you back. Sounds as if you have things under control. I am trying for some AF nights during each week. Last week that did not happen, but I did manage it for a few weeks in a row before that.

    Hope more Modsters join us today.


      hello fellow modsters!!!

      Hi Lakota & Ducky .........

      I feel yuck today, drank much much too much last night, I totally lost it but really don't know why??

      Anyway AF for me today ......

      Love & Hugs, BB xx


        hello fellow modsters!!!

        Good morning lakota, ducky and all modsters to come, Lakota, great advise on the keeping busy in the evening. I think I'll follow your lead. The weight loss is especially a motivator. Ducky, I too am aiming for AF days this week. Did not mod well over the weekend. Saw my accountant on Sat and was stressed out, so over did it Fri and Sat afterwards. Will learn to deal with my triggers better. Best to you all.


          hello fellow modsters!!!

          Hi BB and Kat,

          I agree with Kat, I like Lakota's idea of keeping busy to be AF. I hope that at some point it will feel more natural, and not like something I have to work at. I am not sure though...

          My weight loss has stalled (lost 15 and need to lose at least 15 more) and I know AL is one of the main culprits!


            hello fellow modsters!!!


            Good morning everyone in modsville!!! I am pleased to meet you Lakota, welcome back.............Hi everyone else, hope you don't mind me popping in again to all you lovely people in modsville................

            ducky, BB and Kat................have a wonderful Monday.......what is left of it anyway, it is 1/2 over here (thank god......... a long one at that!!!)

            Lots of love,:h

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              hello fellow modsters!!!

              Good mid-morning to all! Had a good weekend and looking forward to a good week! Coutnertops are supposed to be in Wednesday,a nd flooring on Friday, then WE are DONE with the remodel 9for now!).
              Have a great day everybody!
              BTW, did you know you spend 1/7 of youre life in Mondays? Bummer, right?
              War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                hello fellow modsters!!!

                Morning modsters(well it's almost afternoon here). I'm home eating some lunch. I take lunch around 10:30 since I go in at 6am! Not much going on here, weekend was pretty quiet too.


                  hello fellow modsters!!!

                  another modster checking in . isn't it nice to wake up feeling clear lakota?

                  BB sorry about the overindulgence. please let us know if all is ok.

                  I am glad to see that everyone is taking care of things.

                  keeping busy and positive is the right attitude.

                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    hello fellow modsters!!!

                    wow just read all the posts and seems very positive so far, good on u all, monday is a bummer of a day to get thru!!
                    tis 8pm here and im calm, not craving at all, this is my witching hour so thought id check in to pass some more time!! eastenders is on now so thats another half got thru ok! lol lol
                    u in us of a will not know eastenders but its a soap thats based in eastend of london lol
                    anywasy of to watch that , then kids to bed and ive got the dishes to do !! teehh catch u all 2morrow, big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                    lv lakota xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

