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Tuesday Feb 26th

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    Tuesday Feb 26th

    Maybe I am blind but I didn't see a Monday thread. So I decided that if I started this one early we may wake up all of the MODSTERS to get them posting.

    We had a great time in Disney and I am still recovering from the road trip. Geez I used to be able to drive all these hours and be fine and now I am still recovering from the 27 hour road trip. Visits to grandparents and great grand parents along the way. It was worth it.

    As far as moderating went on vacation I did very well, for me. So I am happy about that. Now I need to keep up the same momentum at home.

    Hope you all are well and I'm happy to be back.

    Happy Tuesday and late Monday to all!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    Tuesday Feb 26th


    A Tuesday thread actually happening on a Tuesday!

    Beaches - so happy you had a good time. a 27 hour rod trip? Forget it!

    Bought a new (used) whoopy-duck professional SLR camera and the instructions were

    in Spanish!

    Happy modding.


      Tuesday Feb 26th

      Well I hear there are books out there to translate. Good luck
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Tuesday Feb 26th

        Thanks for your sympathy Beaches, or should I say Mantenga pulsada la tecla y haga clic una imagen RAW que ha sido procesada y seleccione (Copiar condiciones actuales) en el menu que aparece?


          Tuesday Feb 26th

          Exactly what I was talking about.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Tuesday Feb 26th

            hey tawny, if i buy someatt without an instruction book i google the make and model and usually u can download them for free!! good luck tis worth a try!
            ugh tis just started rainin here in uk! oh well we should be used to it right lol!!
            gee beaches ur piccie looks heavenly compared to my view!! would give anything to be there right now!
            heres to an af tuesday, some more springcleanin another workout and a very wet walk on the heath with the dog!!
            latas lv lakota xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


              Tuesday Feb 26th

              Good morning Modsters and thanks for starting the thread Beaches,

              Not so mods last night. I tend to do better when hubbie is away. I think it's because (I have said this before) he likes a before dinner cocktail. He's a big guy but it hits me and then I keep going. Wine with dinner works better for me. I did not sleep well but my own fault. My pilates class might kill me this morning!

              I hope everyone else did better last night.


                Tuesday Feb 26th

                LMAO Tawny. Glad you are enjoying the Spanish instructions. I think you should take this opportunity to learn a second language.

                Ducky, I'm the opposite, I do worse when hubby is not home. He was out of town for work last night(which only happens once or twice a year), and I took advantage of not having someone watching everything I drank. I've been doing pretty darn great with mods only having a couple drinks once or twice a week, I'm not going to beat myself up for having a bit too much last night. I was still able to get up and come to work at 6am, so it wasn't that bad.


                  Tuesday Feb 26th

                  That used to be the case with me Marcie, and still is occasionally. But when hubbie is gone I tend to have wine, and usually don't have more than a glass before I eat. The food makes a big difference. Glad you are doing well at mods. I have to get more serious about it. I am doing lots better than when I started here but still want to drink a LOT less.

                  Off to pilates!


                    Tuesday Feb 26th

                    Good morning Beaches, Tawnyfrog, Lakota, Ducky and Memarcie, Beaches, good for you on vacation, that tends to be the worst for me. What the hell no one knows me there. Lakota, took your advise and stayed busy last night till I was naturally sleepy. I know I have one achievement under my belt, I no longer drink on Mondays. ODAT. Ducky and Memarcie, Bummer for me I drink when my husband is home or not. He can stop though. Anyway, woke up today to 4-6 inches of snow and more to come. I have a clear head and hope to keep counting AF and mod days. Best to you all.


                      Tuesday Feb 26th

                      Foggy Good Morning to All!
                      Well, still AF and probalby will stay that way for a while. Had a dr appt yesterday and it went real well, all is good, except he is concerned about withdrawal and depression, etc casued by withdrawal ( am I that is why the appt!) So he has upped one medication, and started another. He did say he does not believe moderation is for all people, but certainly I could try it if I feel like it. (he is a strong believer in pre-disposition to AL if you have parent who were heavy drinkers, which I do.)
                      And Mrs. BHOG and I have decided we need to loose some waistlines so we are going on a diet which will include no soda, fast food, or booze for 30 days..then see where we are. I ahve lost 12 pounds since I cut my drinking back to almost nothing..need to loose about 16 more to really feel good about how I look. But spring is coming, and that means hikes and bikes, I am all for that!
                      Later all you good people!
                      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                        Tuesday Feb 26th

                        hey all!

                        Joining in late, but wanted to say a BIG FAT HELLO to everyone here! It sounds like you all are doing well, moderating or not...............I am hoping I can truly moderate after a long length of abs, but only time will tell.............need at LEAST that 30 days, then to rigorously practice the program.............never tried it that way, DUH!!! Well, anyway, just wanted to say hi, and wish everyone a TOTALLY TWISTED TUESDAY!!

                        love you all:h !! Hugs:l !!

                        Mary Anne
                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

