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i slipped up !!

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    i slipped up !!

    :upset: well happy wednesday all.
    i feel annoyed with myself today, i drank a botlle of wine last nite then had 3 martinis!!
    hubby was back late from work and i was bored so i thought sod it .
    ive been doing so good then slipped up but hey , back on it today, even tho i feel tired and wee bit crap , im gonna do my workout and go for a long walk,after, and not go anywhere near the shops lol
    the worse thing is i drank the vino before hubby got back then chucked the bottle away so he didnt know i had that aswell as the martinis!! ugh feel ugly bout doing that.
    but im not gonna beat myself up im just gonna get back on the ole wagon today and start again!
    just wanted to say all that, maked me feel better.
    thank for listening!
    lv lakota xxxxxxxxx

    i slipped up !!

    lakota, I'm glad you're not letting last night's slip distract you from the bigger picture. Good on you for getting back on the wagon! Have a great day. :h


      i slipped up !!

      Lakota, this is easier said than done as i'm still mad about my slip on sunday, brush yourself off love and start again!!!!

      BB xx


        i slipped up !!

        Lakota - sounds a lot like my night!!! My husband's away too, back tonight and there I was this morning making sure all the evidence was well out of the way in the wheelie bin outside. I'm starting today too, Day 1, and I mean business!! Good luck!

        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          i slipped up !!

          Lakota, sorry to hear about your slip. You were doing so well. You'll get right back in the game I am sure.

          I was mods last night (2 glasses) and feel great today. We opened a red with dinner last night. Hubbie had one glass and said he really didn't want another, did I? I wish. I did have just one more though, and stored the leftover wine. Every time I am AF or mods I feel so good the next day. Just have to keep reminding myself.

          Hope everyone is doing well today.


            i slipped up !!

            Lakota, I too slipped last night. Don't know why, quess I was bored. Pretty bad reason huh. The good news is as dumb as this sounds I really did'nt enjoy it. I'm hoping this is part supps and part my mind. Like Ducky said I remembered how good I feel the next day when I don't drink . Not always easy to remember but I really think there is something to this get back up and try again. Eventually some of it has to stick. Hope you all have a great day. I will not drink tonight, I will not drink tonight, I will not drink tonight.............


              i slipped up !!

              Hi all,
              Let me introduce myself.........I have been posting mostly on "Starting out" but feel like I want to get my feet wet here as my plan at this point is to moderate. I will be posting on ODAT also because I think I need to and I want to read everyones daily struggles to bring light to my own.
              So, all being well, I will be posting the rules that I'm trying to follow....... (with some slips) and see if anyone can share advice and experience.....
              Lets see if I can do this...........


                i slipped up !!

                Me too.

                Overdid it over this weekend on 2 occasions with no brain kick reward. Do think it's the supps. Mine was triggered by the fibromyalgia--- I hurt like hell. Shoulda just took my RX pain pills and nixxed the booze, would have had a better outcome! Chuckled at everyone's hiding of evidence to family----such a common behavior:H :upset:


                  i slipped up !!

                  Lots of newbies to mods :welcome: all ........


                    i slipped up !!

                    its 2;15 and i'm still here.. so much for the mods.. i want to stop being me but i don't know where to start. any help out there? i want to shoot myself . HELP!!!!!!!! i want to be o.k.


                      i slipped up !!

                      Babs - you will be okay, even if it doesn't seem like it right now! Is it 2:15 in the morning? If so, drink a big glass of water and go to bed, even if you don't sleep it sounds like your body needs a rest. Take care, love.

