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Happy 29th

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    Happy 29th

    Seems strange that today only comes around every 4 years.

    :welcome: to newbies. Nice to have you on board.

    Ducky, are you going to make something delicious for tonight? Need some inspiration.

    At last my new cash card has arrived ( after purse was stolen last week ) and I have some money. I've been rummaging everywhere for sandwich money- settee, pockets etc. Still it made for easy sobriety!!!!
    No money-No AL

    So no prizes for guessing what happened last night cos I was back in funds!

    Judie, thinking about you. You ok?

    Mkr mary, love and hugs to you.:h

    Everyone else, love to you all as always.

    Enough is enough

    Happy 29th

    hi waves, just popping in to the modster page and wondering if there are any marriegsproposals going on round the world??
    i was a bit naughty last nite and didnt have an af day at all, used the good old excuse of " shall i get u a beer dear" and that paved the way for me to grab myself a bottle of vino!!
    well im babysitting my 9mth old nephew tonite and will not drink much, maybe just a couple of glasses seeing as its fri!!
    hey another excuse there, gee im good at this!!
    so not feeling too tickity boo this morn but gonna drag my sorry arse out for a walk and do my workout later!!
    happy friday all and catch u latas for them proposal stories lol
    lv lakota xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ps feel bad cos im not sure whats going on with jacqui im guessing someone she loved has passed away,? forgive me for being so ignorant!
    my heart goes out to her anyway and hope she can see all the love she has around her xxxxxxxxxxxxx


      Happy 29th

      Hi Waves and Lakota, and the rest of you Modsters -- Where are you anyway?

      Well I joined you in NOT AF last night but was reasonably mods so feel good. Lakota, congrats on the neice. That is just great! I always wanted to have a little girl.

      Waves, glad you are back in business. Maybe I should lose my ATM card for a bit. Hope things are settling down for you.

      Judie, we do miss you. Pop in and say hi?



        Happy 29th

        Sorry Waves, have not planned dinner yet. Making poached eggs with onion rye toast for breakfast. Leftover hamburgers with gorgonzola cheese and salad for lunch. Might need fish for dinner!


          Happy 29th

          Just popping in to say "hi" again to all you modsters.

          Hope everyone is having and has a great Leap Day.

          I heard from Judie. She has been laid out with the flu. So, sending :l:l and lots of strength to our Judie to get well quick!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Happy 29th

            Finally Friday! Good Morning to all the MODsters!
            The flooring was delivered late yesterday afternoon, now we are waiting for the installers to show up and get busy. Alll of the smaller pieces of furniture are out of the house waiting for the floor to go down so we can put it all back together. Then we get to tear the two upstairs bedrooms down so they can lay flooring there on Monday!
            My new coutertops and sink are GREAT! Only one small problem..the existing drains are 2 1/2" inches out of plumb with the new off to Home Depot I will be going...then onto the F thread to post how I reallly feel about plumbing in general! LOL
            Might have a glass or two tonight after the new floor is down and we can see the finished project!
            Stay Strong everybody!
            War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


              Happy 29th

              Hi all, busy morning, day, life......doing well, remain AF at this point and will all weekend as I'm working.
              I have become very house-wifey lately. Looking at the sofa......its needs a new slip cover.........need new bedside tables too..........hhhhmmmm. Hubby goes away for a week next week on to make these changes when he's not around. Less stress that way. Last time he left I painted the whole house! The time before that I converted the garage into an wonder he's scared to go away! Better hide the cards!
              Happy Leap year all


                Happy 29th

                Hey BHOG and RN,

                Enjoy your glass or two of wine tonight. You have done so well going AF!

                RN, a garage into an office that quickly? You must be handy!


                  Happy 29th

                  hi all!

                  Just poppin in again, Good job everyone..........BHOG, YAY the remodeling is done!!! What a good feeling that must be!!

                  Ducky, I will be by for dinner, sounds like I already missed a yummy breakfast and lunch, BUMMER!!

                  Everyone sounds good, sorry about Judie, I was wondering. Poor thing, the flu is supposed to be WICKED this year................she will be added to my prayer list..............

                  Bye for now,:l:l

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    Happy 29th

                    Hi there Modsters!
                    Thanks for all the get well wishes.:h
                    I'm trying to psych myself up for work tonight, but not feeling ready for it at all.
                    Hopefully it won't be too busy, and get to go home early... somehow that seldom happens though. Maybe they'll kick me out if I calapse.(wish me luck!)

                    Waves, that sucks somebody stole your purse. I hate thieves!

                    Bhog, great job on getting the remodel wrapped up! That'll be nice.

                    Gonna keep this kinda short.... Hi to everyone! Ducky, Cowgal,Cindi, FinillyR,Lakota, hope i haven't missed anyone...
                    Huge Hugs,
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

