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MARCH ing forward this month.

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    MARCH ing forward this month.

    I want to make great leaps forward this month like the March hare so I may not drink at all but hey that's part of my mods plan so you don't get rid of me!

    February was NOT a good month ( understatement of the year!) in any respect so I am pinning my hopes on March.

    Sincerely hoping that March is better for us all than February was ( even if your February was great.)

    Have you made a mods plan?

    Ducky, thanks for the meal ideas - I'm going with the eggs for brekkie today.

    Judie, hope you get over this- you seem to have been having lots of these cough/cold/flu illnesses lately. Have you tried Echinacea? It's like a natural anti-biotic. I took it throughout one winter about 3 years ago after weeks of constant coughing and it did me a world of good.

    MKR Mary :l

    Everyone else, love to you all
    as always,

    26 AF 5 mods 0 binge Jan. results
    10 AF 10 mods 1 binge Feb. results
    Enough is enough

    MARCH ing forward this month.

    Hey Waves and all to come,

    Waves, I want to do better this month too. Feb was not terrible for me but not as mods as I wanted. You had so much going on that was not good; no wonder you didn't have a great month.

    Let's MARCH on!!!


      MARCH ing forward this month.

      Hi Waves and Ducky .........

      Sorry i've been MIA for a while but i'm back now ...

      Love & Hugs to everyone ......

      BB xx


        MARCH ing forward this month.

        hi mods. i'm new at this. i,ve been reading yall for a while and am ready to take the plunge.....i think. it might help to be accountable to someone one else besides myself. ( i hope i'm posting this in the right place. ) anyway, i plan to work real hard on not drinking too much (binging?) . thank yall for being there. i guess "yall" can tell that i live in Texas. p.s. how do i do the icons? i'm computer-challenged.


          MARCH ing forward this month.

          Hi Babs, :welcome:to mods ...... we are a friendly bunch here .......

          To get the icons you click on them at the RHS of where you are typing and they will appear .......

          Look forward to seeing more of you around here ..............


            MARCH ing forward this month.

            Hi BB, great to see you.

            Babs, welcome. This is a great site and a great thread!


              MARCH ing forward this month.

              Hi Modsters!

              A plan for March is great Waves. I hadn't been keeping track of how much I drank over Feb, but I did pretty good. I did buy wine and will have it today/tomorrow. After this bottle is gone I will be AF for a bit. A couple weeks, a month, I don't really have a time frame in mind.


                MARCH ing forward this month.

                The wife and I started the "Bob Greene Best Life Diet" this month -no soda, no fast food, no booze, so I am going to be AF for the entire month..if I sticck to the diet, which I need to! My waist really likes winter, it gets to grow! We have found it is better if we both diet, etc., at the same time because that way we don't have anyone to blame for sabatoging our goals.
                War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                  MARCH ing forward this month.

                  Good day all modsters, I quess this is todays thread. I too feel encouraged for a sucessful March. Good time to get back in shape and healthy for summer. BHOG, my waist line likes winter as well as my a**. Lets keep up the positive outlook and mod for our health and waistline. Best to you all.


                    MARCH ing forward this month.

                    Hi Modsters, My supps arrived today, Mr Boop and I are both starting an AF spell and eating healthily too, I will keep you all informed of my progress ........

                    Love & Hugs to everyone, BB xx


                      MARCH ing forward this month.


                      Hi to everyone in modsville!! you all sound so positive for the month of March, good to have a game plan!I am getting further and further along in my AF time, when I hit 30 days, I will try again, hopefully if I don't talk myself out of it!?!?

                      Hope you all do well today, is Judie sick?? I have a cough that won't quit!!! Can't stand it, and will go to my doc on Wed. if it is not gone, it is driving me CRAZY!!!!

                      love you guys!!!!:h:h

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        MARCH ing forward this month.

                        Waves, I love that MARCHING Forward. I'm in.....February sucked
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

