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Sunday Marching forward

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    Sunday Marching forward

    Hi all,

    Hope you have all survived the weekend nights without weakening. It rained lots here yesterday. The noise on the conservatory roof was lovely all day. the dog hates rain so it didn't want to walk far! Lazy day. Now feeling guilty cos I didn't get my work done.

    This morning I have a chance to start my work- so what am I doing? Reading on here of course!

    Love to all as always.

    Enough is enough

    Sunday Marching forward

    hey waves, im in south uk and apparently tis gonna be crazy weather here tonite!!
    gonna lock ourselves in and ride it through!!

    i have been a bad gal this weekend, had a real crap week, not kept up wiv my usual routine very well, gonna have a couple tonite then hitting it tomorrow, a new week a new start.

    my washing machine packed in on me so im having to go to the laundrete, which is a pain but still hoping for some hunky guy to come in and do a levi ad lol xx

    but not all bad, my eldest has got into a very good girls school for sept!!!

    very proud mommy at the mo ( she gets her braind from me) lol

    so heres to a mod sunday and hopefully an af week ahed
    happy day to all

    lv lakota xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


      Sunday Marching forward

      gee just realised i spelt brains wrong, so i lied she obviously gets her brains from her daddy lol


        Sunday Marching forward

        Hi Waves and Lakota,

        Waves I had a couple of wines last night with hubby, but feel ok about it,

        Lakota, glad that your daughter got into a good school .......

        I'm just cooking sunday roast, Beef with all the trimmings and remembering that up until finding this place I was always drunk when cooking sunday roast and never actually remembered eating it ...... Now I savour it ....

        Thanks to everyone here for that!!!

        Love & Hugs, BB xx


          Sunday Marching forward

          :H Lakota I noticed that spelling error. Funny word you chose goof up on!:goodjob:...Everything in moderation my dear!

          I'm bummed, just found out my nephew is being deployed for Iraq in ten days for a second tour of duty.:upset: He's just a kid, only 20 yrs old, and going back again. He would have been done & home in just a few months.

          [ame= ]YouTube - Rockie Lynne's inspirational "Home" video honors our troops.[/ame]

          Hope everybody has a good Sunday.

          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Sunday Marching forward

            Judie, Ive said this in subscribers but will say it here too ............ Hugs and prayers for your nephew, may he please return safe .......... I am very proud of all that serve thier country ...........

            Nice to see you in mods judie ..........


              Sunday Marching forward

              Sorry about that Judie. Life sucks sometimes.

              Lakota, I'm sure she gets her brains from you really.

              Betty, i'm so glad that roast beef actually tastes like roast beef now.

              Ducky, It looks like you have a rival for my visits now. I love roast beef.

              MKR,love to you if you check in.

              Eustacia, saw you in drink tracker, you're doing well in mods. Hope life is improving for you.:l

              Everyone else, Love to you as always

              Enough is enough


                Sunday Marching forward

                Waves, t was roast beef (bone in) roast parsnips, roast carrots, curly Kale cabbage, brussels, roast and mashed potatoes, yorkshire puddings, petit pois peas, rich gravy, horseradish sauce ........... it was lovely .......

                The good news is that I cooked enough to have the same tomorrow ....... cant wait ...........


                  Sunday Marching forward

                  come on Ducky, you have to rise to this challenge.

                  Enough is enough


                    Sunday Marching forward

                    Oh BB, I could eat that right now... and tomorrow all over again, leftovers rock my world - ps I'll send you my address and a tupperware container...

                    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                      Sunday Marching forward

                      Waves, I cannot beat BB today! Hubbie is away again so I had some homemade meatloaf (from the freezer) and boiled yellow potatoes smashed with a bit of butter, cream, sour cream and fresh snipped chives.

                      I guess you will have to have BB's leftovers this time round!

                      Have to make coconut cream pie for a neighbor this week though so could send you a nice slice if you'd like?


                        Sunday Marching forward

                        Hello all, Overdid it a bit this weekend but am still working on my first goal AF M-Thur. Decided I would start early and include Sunday. Betty, I've had many of those too sauced to remember or enjoy meals. Funny your cooking Roast Beef today. That is my family's traditional Christmas dinner. Good thing Grandma usually is in charge of the Yorkshire pudding as that can be tricky with a buzz on. As can the lighting of the plum pudding. We set our clocks ahead one hour today so I got a late start running errands and posting. Decided to pick up more Sutter Home AF Red and White this time. Also thought I'd try AF beer. Best to all of you and your goals this week.

