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Sunny Sunday!

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    Sunny Sunday!

    Mornin' Modsters!
    I'd hate to see our mods thread die off down here...:upset:

    Here's a little something that hits close to home with me right now...:h

    "Treat all things as if they were loaned to you without any ownership-whether body or soul, sense or strength, external goods or honors, house or hall...EVERYTHING."

    "Something wonderful happens as we practice thinking of the people we love as being on loan. Instead of insisting that they must be with us always, we can enjoy the pleasure of their company today. We can open our hands & :h's and give them and us the space to discover the joy of living freely."

    Sometimes I need to remind myself of this one...

    Hope everybody's having a great Sunday.
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

    Sunny Sunday!

    HI St. Jude:
    Was posting at the same time.I am looking for a real conversation here on mods and I think there are others that may not have yet posted here yet might be interested, so thanks for this post.

    Your thought is one I think of often about: I was a step mother to two boys now 27 and 30. I learned a lot, somewhat painfully in those relationships and I think I am a better mother to my 13 year old daughter because of them. But I do feel that our children are "on loan" to us, but they are really are their own selves . . . we nurture, nudge, guide but don't own them.

    Thanks for reminding me of that.
    I hope you are doing well. You mentioned the other day that you'd had better days . . and worse . . .?



      Sunny Sunday!

      hi there st it. good ideal . thank you and i am having a great sunday
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Sunny Sunday!

        Thanks for asking,...Askforhelp,
        Yep today is much better.
        Hubby & I had a really bad fight on Thursday... something we rarely do. I was upset the whole next day & a half...hurtful things were said & done...

        I'm still kind of emotional, but much better. Just getting too sensitive in my old age ...I guess.

        I've never been one to stick around...when things get tuff. Always figured there's no problem too big, I can't just run away from it.
        I came really close to packing up my truck, kayak & dog on Thursday & heading south...

        But, before...I never had a Hubby or a mortgage & real home. (although my treehouse was definately my home for 18 years! Running water or not.. it was ALL mine! LOL!)
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          Sunny Sunday!

          Thanks Jude, that really hit home for me today. Everyone is just on loan to me, I should take the time to cherish them. Well heeded.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            Sunny Sunday!

            Yeah, I like that quote.

            Here's the song I was singing to my Bungee dog the other nite...LOL
            [ame= ]YouTube - Melissa Etheridge - You Can Sleep While I Drive[/ame]
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Sunny Sunday!

              Hi all, Judie thanks for that it's very touching .......

              I'm good thanks, trying an AF spell but will still be checking in here ........

              LOve you guys, BB xx

