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    back here again...

    Hi all

    I haven't been here since August last year. But, horrible divorce, love affair that ended badly, job stress, financial worries... guess who's back on 2 bottles of Merlot a day ?

    anyway, after a particularly SHITE drink-and-email crime tonight (along the lines of "please, take me back, I love you so..." WHERE OH WHERE IS MY SELF-RESPECT? this guy joined an internet dating site whilst planning our 1st holiday together...) I have decided enough is enough. I am sinking into maudlin introspection and self-indulgent wallowing when I always used to be a kinda kick-ass gal. Plus I have 3 kids and a serious job to contend with, and I am gaining weight lol. But seriously, this is HARD,so I am here again.

    30 days mods starts tomorrow. ANYONE ELSE UP FOR IT, SIGN HERE.

    (NB Topa and the hypno cd worked for me - guess what - got cocky and stopped. oops..!)

    Rip x

    back here again...

    Hey Ripley just wanted to welcome you BACK to the forum!!!lol

    Sorry you've been having a shit time of it recently. Maybe it's time to be a bit less cocky and more vigilant in the future hey!! I'm sure the Modster's will be along shortly to 'kick some ass!!' with you so Best of luck to you, stay positive and see you around the boards!!

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      back here again...

      Hey Rip,

      Please feel free to join the Modsters! We need more troops. I have been backsliding a bit myself. Good to "see" you.


        back here again...

        I remember the "kick ass Ripley"! Take charge once again! Great to have you back. Sorry that things have been difficult at best but, from your description you seem to have things in perspective and know what you have to do going forward.
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          back here again...

          I'm in

          Hi Ripley:

          Glad you're back, although sorry to hear that life is so tough right now. Let's get you back on track, and losing weight, and then look out guys, here comes one sassy lady! Go for you for coming back to this great forum for support.

          I'm a modster, looking for a check in partner or two or three! I'm happy to join you for a month! (or more!) I've been doing pretty well, try to do 4 days AF/week with no more than 2 or 3 drinks/nite when I do drink. What's your mods goal? It will be great to inject a little "LIFE" into this mods forum, as it's been too quiet lately.



            back here again...

            Hello again guys

            my mods goal is pretty much what Ask for Help says: no drinking alone at home. Ever. Then when I do go out be sensible. So that would be 4 AF nights pretty much then say a 3 drink night out. Or maybe 4. Stay within the 14 unit weekly total. Recently I have been drinking a bottle of red a night, minimum. Absolute rubbish. Anyway it is day 1 and I feel fine - normally I would have started by now and I feel no desire to go and buy any. It feels good to be back. It isn't terribly difficult to get started if I am in the right mindset. thanks for the support. Rip


              back here again...

              So nice to see you back Ripley. You have been missed around here.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                back here again...

                ah thanks Lushy. am so glad to be back. this works. don't know why I stayed away. how are you hon?


                  back here again...

                  keep coming here rip. We need to look out for each other before things get too out of control.
                  I had that cocky feeling about a month ago and slipped, but I am back on track.

                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    back here again...

                    :welcome: Back Ripley!
                    Now lets kick some A$$!:H

                    Hope you're having a great day!

                    Same goes to all you Modsters out there!

                    Here's my thought for the day...
                    "Handle every stressful situation like a dog,
                    If you can't eat it or hump it,
                    Piss on it & walk away!"
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      back here again...

                      Hi Ripley, another welcome back to you.

                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                        back here again...

                        Hi all, Just wanted to get back in here and say hello. I have had a terrible cold and have not checked in or posted in awhile. I was reading some of yesterdays posts about triggers and can totally relate. My husbands truck had to be traded in with negative equity this past week due to engine trouble. Well, due to the stress of that expense and just feeling like crap I over did it last Thurs., Alcohol, stress and a cold.....bad combination. As well, Easter Sunday my sister drove into a telephone pole and ended up in the ER. I really want to hope this is her wake up call but have my doubts and this will be her 4th DUI. Its so hard sometimes to help others in this situation while still trying to helping yourself. Thank God she did'nt kill herself or someone else. Wish me luck and strength.


                          back here again...

                          Great to see so many modsters here!

                          Great job Rip on your first day. Wahoo!
                          TT: glad to see you finally got off the computer last night. Thought you might have been on all night at the rate you were going!
                          Kat: sorry to hear about your troubles, but hope you'll keep checking in; you asked for support, and we'll be here for you.
                          St. Jude: loved the thought for the day: so irreverent!

                          My work is having a weight loss competition and my team was in 2nd place after 6 weeks, but slipped to 3rd so we're starting a spinning class . . . what a gas. One of the guys teaches spinning and is going to coach us for six weeks. I love bicycling anyway, so I've gone to two classes with him, so I'm high as a kite on endorphins tonight, laughing like a silly. Hope I can walk tomorrow (lol). Other than that life is good. Have a string of AF's going this week. Have a Mom's meeting on Thursday with a pitcher of Margarita's promised and I may imbibe.

                          First one on want to start a check in thread tomorrow?

                          Best to all!



                            back here again...

                            Ripley I am so glad you are back! You were missed. Stay with us this time.
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              back here again...

                              Rip, Lushy isn't ignoring you ... she left on vacation. Since you are already a subscriber, check it out over there. You will meet up with the old gang.
                              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

