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Been a long time

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    Been a long time

    Where have all the Modsters gone? I haven't seen a new thread in awhile and just wanted to say hello to all of you.

    April is Autism Awareness Month so we are gearing up for that. I just bought my immediate family t-shirts to wear when we do my son's fundraiser in April for his Autism Assistance Dog.

    Other than that I am still reading and looking for a way to help him come a little more to our world. and he's been doing so great. He can sing all the songs to Highschool Musical and that is music to my ears.

    Moderation has failed me a couple of times lately but I am back on track.

    Hope you are all well.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    Been a long time

    Hi Beaches, nice to hear from you. The mods thread is very quiet these days. I guess a lot of modsters subscribe now.

    Happy to hear your son is doing well. I know those struggles too well and it's nice to have some little victories.

    Glad to hear you are back on track. I seem to go back and forth a bit myself but I am trying to do better.


      Been a long time

      Hi Modsters:welcome: just popping in to say hello.
      Don't want things to die off down here...

      Beaches that is great news about your little guy singing all those songs! How wonderful! Good luck with the doggie!

      Ducky, great to see you!

      I saw a funny bumper sticker the other day.

      "Officer I don't have any Drugs, Donuts, Or Cleavage, just give me the damn ticket":H

      Hope all are doing well.

      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Been a long time

        Hi all:
        I'm just checking in too: Beaches I'm rather new here, so not sure we've "met". But I"ve had several dear friends with children with autism, so know what a special challenge, but also a gift a child with autism is. I watch for events in April in my community.
        Ducky, feel like I kind of know you from this thread - and St. Jude - I'm still laughing about the approach stress like a dog . .

        Anyway with MWO celebrating it's 3rd birthday, I just have to say how thrilled I am to have found this place, and what a difference I feel after 3 months. Feel like I've gotten my life back.

        I've had a pretty good week, waiting very impatiently for spring here in the northeast, but at least we have sun today. Have to work on taxes (bleah) and some house projects, but want to get those done so that once it does finally warm up we can spend as much time outside as possible.

        Best to all modders to come!



          Been a long time

          What exactly does off track mean?

          I'm new to this site, and I haven
          t started moderation, but I was wondering exactly what off track means? Just another drunken night? I guess I'm just alittle angry right now, maybe it's just not being able to drink that's making me that way? I have three weeks under my belt and I plan on doing at least another week. My triggers are just being at home with a bottle of wine. I'm sure some of this stems from being in a bad marriage. I'm hoping to be able to control my drinking in the future, although I definitely will stop drinking at home.


            Been a long time

            Hi everybody:wavin: I'm here, just a bit under the weather, too lazy to type.:sigh:
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              Been a long time

              hey sounds like a song i know it been a long sec i rock and rolled . nice to meet you welcome lvt25
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                Been a long time

                Hi Leyla and LVT:

                Just checking in and saw your posts:

                Mimi: sorry you're not feeling well

                Leyla: Welcome to Modsters and Congratulations on 3 weeks AF :goodjob:
                That's a great accomplishment!
                You asked what's it mean to be "off track" and I think it's different for each person.Some modster's goals are to "not get drunk" , so your guess that it means 'another drunk night' could be correct. Some mods aim for a certain number of drinks per week, or number of days drinking or AF per week, so it could mean their drinking has increased over time, but not necessarily getting drunk. I've only been here 3 months, but that's what I've observed so far.

                You mentioned that you were feeling angry tonight, maybe because you can't drink or some other reason? This ( or chat) is a good place to "think out loud" about that. I find anger and resentment are big triggers for me. What 's going on?

                Hope you'll keep coming back here!



                  Been a long time

                  welcome leyla!

                  :goodjob: on being AF for 3 weeks. Better than me! I'm just happy to cut back. Sorry about the bad marriage: a bad marriage certainly was a trigger for me to anesthetize myself. Thing is, that was 9 yrs ago and I'm still not AF. Whatever your reasons for being here, we will support you and send hugs when things are less than fantastic.


                    Been a long time

                    hey Beaches... still here...
                    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                      Been a long time

                      So happy to be part of this group

                      Hey guys, Just wanted to say how happy that I found this group. Everyone is so nice and supportive. I'm not sure where my anger is coming from. I guess I'm not proud of drinking so much in front of my kids. I want them to see that I can be a good role model for them. I have really good kids and they are very smart, I am truly blessed. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do about this moderation thing.....I think I will be able to do it as long as I keep in mind, what my triggers are. I've read the book and started the vitamins and kudzu. I'm gettting ready to get on my treadmill and hope to exercise at least 4 days this week. Thanks so much for your support. Have a good day!:thanks:


                        Been a long time

                        I am sooo glad mods is back, I was getting a bit worried there. I think we can control this thing one day at a time.

                        the key is to stay aware.

                        I sure am in need of awareness and dicipline myself.

                        be well


                        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber

