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Thursday April 3rd in Modsville

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    Thursday April 3rd in Modsville

    Good Morning Modsters!
    Ducky must be at Pilates so I'll start the thread.

    Thought for the day is a simple one: Let's keep focussed on our success. If today you don't meet your exact mods or AF goal, keep your eye on the larger prize, be it a weekly goal or monthly goal. Count only your successes, and watch them accumulate. Every time you exercise, listen to your tapes, take your supps AND drink moderately or AF you are contributing to your success.

    I learned this tip in a weight loss environment, but I think it carries over well in life. I was checking in for a weekly session and when asked "how did it go?" I was remorseful about two times I had overdone it. The counselor said: "You're coming in here having had 35 decision points during the last week (7 days x 3 meals and 2 snacks each day = 35) and you are talking about 2 mistakes. I want to talk about the 33 successes."

    So Best to all the Modders to come. Spirits UP and success to come.


    Thursday April 3rd in Modsville

    Ask, Good morning to you and all modsters. I like your style, lets count our sucesses. I am trying to exercise more, diet, mod/AF and ween myself off Paxil all at once. Tough to swallow all at once. Sucesses: Went to cycle class Mon & Wed, AF Mon-today, Alittle less swimming head from the cut down on my Paxil, hence a better mood today. Diet so so, I quess for the most part I did make 75% healthy choices this week. Eye on the Prize ! I like that.


      Thursday April 3rd in Modsville

      Lovely idea. Strenth-based counseling and positive psychology are all the rage. Very good point to focus on the succes and the ways we made that success happen. Be grateful for all the things that are right in our world.



        Thursday April 3rd in Modsville

        Nice post Ask and hi to Kat and Myra and all the other Modsters,

        Yes, Pilates it was. I didn't want to go because I wasn't feeling great but I always feel much better after the class.

        I was mods last night after doing my 2 AF for the week. I almost overdid it but realized I was going to drink another glass out of habit, not want, and stopped there.

        Kat, that is a lot at once. Sounds like you are doing well though...


          Thursday April 3rd in Modsville

          what a great post - I could not believe in this more!!!

          I am tempted to start hanging out with the modders


            Thursday April 3rd in Modsville

            I went out with a friend on Friday night and decided to have a glass of wine, after 21 days without. i did decide on how many I would have and not to exceed that amount. Well, I ended up having 2 1/2 glasses and felt ok the next morning. I hope that I'm able to stay in this category (modster) it is so nice to have two and stop. It's like anything else, we are not perfect people and we will make mistakes, so lets just concentrate on our victorys instead of our downfalls.


              Thursday April 3rd in Modsville

              Great job Leyla. Keep checking in and let us know how it goes.

