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Hi I'm newish - can I join this board? Sorry a bit long!

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    Hi I'm newish - can I join this board? Sorry a bit long!

    Hello everyone
    I have been a member of MWO since November 2006, after I had my first baby girl. I suffered from post natal depression and drinking became my "Calm". It quickly got out of hand and I gradually went from 1 bottle of wine a night to buying boxes, not really knowing how much I was consuming. I definately knew I had a problem but couldn't give up. I decided to moderate, I then fell pregnant and stopped drinking completely. Since the birth of my beautiful daughter in November 2007 my post natal depression returned with a vengence. I am on ADs but my coping mechanism stupidly became my old friend alcohol. So here I am, my daughter is only 5 months old and I am aware my drinking is becoming a big problem again. I have been drinking about a bottle of wine every night (at the weekend more). My husband isn't a big drinker and would love nothing more than me to be able to stop or moderate. I decided on Sunday morning after having too much on Saturday night to try 30 days AF and joined the monthly abstinence board. I lasted 1 night as yesterday I suffered from horrible withdrawal and cravings which really shook me up. I went to my doctors this morning to talk through what I need to do. He advised that I should wean myself off week by week, dropping a glass of wine each week. So not really knowing where I should be on this board I thought maybe this was the best place for me. At this moment in time I'm not sure what I want regarding total abstinence or moderation. I know I don't want to be drinking the way I am now. So can I join this board? I would love to be able to talk to people who are moderating as well and share my feelings and hopefully receive and maybe give some advice in the future. Thanks for listening and I look forward to hearing from you all. XXXXSeto

    Hi I'm newish - can I join this board? Sorry a bit long!

    Hi Seto and welcome,

    Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. I am working on mods and waiting for my starter pack, hoping the supplements will help. There are some people on mods who are doing great and I am sure will help you.


      Hi I'm newish - can I join this board? Sorry a bit long!

      Hi Seto
      I'm new too, for me this is the place to start. Alot of reading to do on this site. I'm sure you'll find support here.
      If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.


        Hi I'm newish - can I join this board? Sorry a bit long!

        Welcome Seto, I don't have children but my story might as well be identical with the increase in glasses to bottles to buying cases and not keeping track. I have been very fortunate to not have withdrawals except in the habit way (like its that time of night or a social situation) I have been Working at AF/Mods for a year now and am just now getting a better grasp. I do take alot of vitamins and supps which I'm sure helped ease any withdrawal and replenish vitamins and minerals alcohol has washed away. I tailored my supps and vitamins between the MWO program, Vitamins for dummies ( has a section on alcoholism) and seven weeks to sobriety. The rest has all been coming here, posting reading and try try try again. Good morning Ducky and Gemmy and all modsters to come. Back to my Mon-Thurs AF thing. Had cycle class last night and a glass of AF Chardonay. Not too bad. Wishing you all a great day. Thinking of you Gemmy, hope all works out.


          Hi I'm newish - can I join this board? Sorry a bit long!

          Hi Seto, nice to meet you ......

          The wine boxes .......... yes I remember those too ..........

          We will all do whatever we can do help .......

          Hi Ducky, Gemmy & Kat .......

          Love & Hugs, BB xx


            Hi I'm newish - can I join this board? Sorry a bit long!

            Welcome Seto,

            Cutting down gradually works for some- but the supps definitely help.

            Hi to everyone.
            Enough is enough


              Hi I'm newish - can I join this board? Sorry a bit long!

              Hi Seto :welcome:

              You are most welcome here. I think all of the forums have alot to offer. I think what attracts most to this site, is the promise of moderation. I've been here a little over a month, and it seems alot of the members choose to be abstinate, at least for awhile. I seem to have trouble committing that way, but I did commit to 7 days, and I'm at day 10. If I feel like a drink (beer for me) I'll have one or two, but I'm ok for now as long as I'm not in that social setting. Also I've learned that since I've quit smoking, the beer just doesn't sound good, and if I do drink, I still want a smoke.
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                Hi I'm newish - can I join this board? Sorry a bit long!

                Hi Seto and :welcome:
                and Good evening to all the other modders checking in today.

                Gemmy. I hope today was better than yesterday. Although I didn't write yesterday, I have been thinking of you and know we'll connect again. Sounds like you are in a tough situation.

                Seto: sounds like you have a plan for weaning off, but if it were me I'd write it down, or maybe even use the drink tracker to keep myself on track, so I didn't gradually go back UP in amounts, as many of us are so capable of doing!

                Hey Snoopy girl: Great Job on 10 Days ABS. That's terrific.. . and so quietly too! Guess I've not been following the ABS threads closely enough.

                I think I mentioned yesterday that I'm in a "biggest loser" competition at work, and I'm NOT a big enough loser, so I'm doing a week of AF and lots of exercise.( God it's hard to try to be perfect! lol) Feeling great . . . I really do like putting together some abs days, both for the physical and moral feelings of triumph.

                Hope everyone is well and hope to "see" you all tomorrow.

