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Hi I'm also newish! Can i join too!!!

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    Hi I'm also newish! Can i join too!!!

    Hi there

    I joined in March and think this site is brilliant. I'll just do a quick life story!! I'm married with two boys an have steadily been drinking more and more over the last few years and have been concerned about it for a while.

    I decided at the begining of th year to cut down and it worked for a couple of weeks but then slowly crept up again (bet you all know what I mean!) For the last 3 weeks I've got a hold of it - I joined the 30 day af thread but couldn't seem to make it over that Saturday night without a drink (although I did only have a couple of drinks)

    At this stage I don't know what my drinking future holds I just know I don't want to go back to feeling like I did before. I have a big birthday celebration going on this weekend (mums 60th she's haing a big party!) so I plan to go AF all week and moderate on Friday and Saturday.

    This is Day 3 af and I must say it feels good! Looking forward to getting to know you all xxx

    Hi I'm also newish! Can i join too!!!

    Good morning all and welcome Seen the Light, Doing pretty well week two of this AF Mon-Fri. Also signed back up for weight watchers on line. I see they have a message board as well, not sure it will be a fun as you guys but I look into it. Just got to be carefull to remember what site I'm posting on. Seen, congrats on the start of your sucess. You can do this just keep trying and never give up. I tried Abs but became obsessed about when I could have a drink again. So I told myself you have to do one or the other AB or mods or never again.


      Hi I'm also newish! Can i join too!!!

      Welcome again, Seen the Light.

      Good luck on your journey. Let us know how we can help you along the way.


      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        Hi I'm also newish! Can i join too!!!

        Wednesday Hello to Modsters All

        Good morning Modsters all:

        Welcome Seen the Light::welcome:
        and nice to see Meditation Mama here for a hello! Hope everyone is having a great day.

        Seen, I'm a newish modster (on my fourth month) and we have some really experienced folks here too (St. Jude, TrixieTrak, Betty Boop and others) so keep checking in, and you'll be welcomed indeed!

        I'm doing an AF stint this week to re-invigorate my weight loss goal, and also reaffirm for myself that it's too early to bring wine into my home. I've "experimented" with it the last 3 weeks, and although I've done OK, I do see myself "bending" rules . I feel happier and more secure when I finish a week within my 7 drink in 3 drinking days limit, as that is a lifeplan I think I can live with. Once I bent the rules, I had a meeting of "the committee" for the first time in months! NO THANK YOU! So a little healthy "time out" to renew (in a positive, not punitive way) and I'll be back on track.

        Best to all of you today!!



          Hi I'm also newish! Can i join too!!!

          Morning Modsters!
          To all!

          Seen the light, glad you're here. Happy birthday to your Moma!:h

          Kat, we also have a "workout" & "weight" group here on the boards, down below "Laughing out Loud". Come on down!

          Med Mama! (sounds like I'm addressing a "dealer"!) LOL Great to see ya!

          AFH, I remember when we first started the mods board, we used to post our monhtly goals @ the beginning of each month. I've gotten sloppy with mine, over time... Thanks for the reminder...

          Hope everybody's having a great day.

          Hoping to see some sun here... if not at least a rainbow...
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

