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Monday Mods Check In

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    Monday Mods Check In

    Good Mooorning Modders:

    Thought I would start a thread as we've been quiet for the last few days. Don't want anyone on these boards to think moderation isn't a option, now do we? (lol). Hoping everyone is doing well.

    I had a good weekend, quiet but fun. We had a surprisingly nice day on Saturday so was outside and got to see neighbors not seen for many months. Sunday wasn't as nice but we got an indoor painting project done (Stripes! on our bathroom walls, how fun).

    Was mods on Fri and Sun, Af on Saturday, and finding all of this very easy right now, and am grateful for that. It wasn't always this way.
    Will check in later!

    Monday Mods Check In

    Hello Ask and all modsters, I did ok on my Mon-Fri Abs, but not real well at mods this weekend. Why when we feel depressed do we think a drink will help ? I definetly over did it Thurs and Fri., and quess what ? got nothing done the next two days and felt more depressed. Somebody smack me up side the head. Well its Monday and I will keep working on this and remember the good feeling I get when I go AF or properly Mod.


      Monday Mods Check In

      Hey Ask and Kat,

      Kat, sorry you are miffed at yourself but we have all been there. The AL definitely doesn't help when we are down but I think most of us are drawn to it. You'll get back on track.

      I actually did ok at mods this w/e but did have one night of overdoing it last week. Still busy cooking here. I'll be glad when Passover has passed!

      Ask, glad to hear things are coming easier for you. What do you think is the difference?


        Monday Mods Check In

        Hi Modsters!
        I've had a busy past few days on the river paddling!

        Had beautiful weather! So no time to be on the puter. (Sorry guys,... Love ya, but when the river calls...) Just so glad to be back on the water!

        Sorry ya had a tuff time on Thurs & Friday Kat. Hope you're feeling better today. Get back on that horse.

        I've been struggling with keeping my triggers in check @ work lately... I'm planning to switch jobs as soon as the summer season picks up & gets busier.
        I have a new job lined up next door @ really nice fine dining restaurant, just waiting till they need me... In the meantime, it's hard going in to the cafe,...I can't wait to be outa there!
        So tired of greedy, selfish, A-holes I've been working with... Long story...
        But I'm beyond ready to move on... if I didn't have a mortgage payment I'd have walked out in the middle of my shift by now.
        It does help just knowing I have something better waiting in the wings.

        Hope all are doing well.
        Huge Hugs,
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          Monday Mods Check In

          Hello all,

          I've been modding okay since my AF stint during Lent. Moderation for me is AF 5 days a week and allowing myself to drink beer or wine the other 2 days.

          Saturday night was awesome. I was getting ready for bed and remembered that the thought of drink hadn't even crossed my mind during the evening!!!!!!!!! For me, that was amazing. I thought "Wow, that's how I want to be"!

          Hopefully I can continue the moderation throughout the Summer. I know that I will need to abstain completely if I cannot moderate well. I've worked hard the past year trying to reprogram my thoughts and routines. Through this wonderful program I've had many, many AF days. I am quite amazed as I drank 3-4 glasses of wine EVERY night for years.



            Monday Mods Check In

            Hi again: Great to "see" everybody who checked in today.

            St. Jude: Glad you've been out on the river - it sounds wonderful, especially since the current job doesn't sound great. The new job sounds much nicer, so will keep fingers crossed that it starts sooner rather than later.

            Ducky and Kat: I've had times when mods was hard, and don't know for sure what to attribute this easier spell to. Most likely sunnier weather, the fact I've lost a little weight, and that I'm feeling "satisfied" on more fronts - job & life. I have a counselor I see every few weeks who helps me reflect on how well I'm doing w/ alcohol and my goals to take better care of myself. Don't know that on our own we reflect on our accomplishments very often. More likely, we "expect" ourselves to do all the good things we do, and of course if we mess up, well then we pay LOTS of negative attention to that. So I'm trying to internalize this counselor's voice as my own, reminding myself of my strengths and trying not to be so hard on myself : world "best" self-critic.

            TC: thanks for posting: Sounds like you are doing great, and what a rush to "forget' to think about alcohol! NOW there's story. Would love to hear what strategies you've used to "reprogramme". There is a "strategies" thread in this forum we should keep adding to, but tell us here first, OK.

            Talk to you all soon!

