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Tuesday Mods - April 15th

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    Tuesday Mods - April 15th

    Good morning all,

    Up early because hubbie is going away again. Pilates this morning and the vet this afternoon. Our old hound has a tumor that is benign, but they want to run blood tests so I am thinking they suspect something...

    Yes, TC, I want to hear all about the reprogramming.

    Can't believe how long it is taking for my supps to arrive. Ugh!

    Hope everyone is doing well today.

    Tuesday Mods - April 15th

    love resting in peace.

    oh ducky...pilates..i miss doing them. i am so stiff i don't know if its possible for me anymore. well the rest is all history..supps will be in today..i just know they will be. you will have a good day dear one and i will too. :h


      Tuesday Mods - April 15th

      Thanks Ripple,

      Do you work for the USPS, lol?

      You should try Pilates again. I have been doing it for almost a year and I swear I am taller now! It is much harder than I (being a long time gym rat) would have ever thought.


        Tuesday Mods - April 15th

        I have Pilates DVDs at home but at the moment my core is so weak that I have a hard time doing them.

        I'm hoping to spend more time here at MWO because I have been pretty lousy with the mods. Mind you I'm not drinking as much as often but I did have a doozey of a night last night and want to put a stop to it NOW. The refill of the supps was placed yesterday so I can start on those, I don't know my I stopped taking them. I guess I felt more in control and thought I had things licked but it always comes back to bite me on the butt...when will I learn.
        Suddenly I see
        This is what I want to be
        suddenly I see
        Why the hell it means so much to me.

        -KT Tunstall


          Tuesday Mods - April 15th

          Hey Lorelei, nice to see you. You'll get back on track. As I said, I am still waiting for my supplements. I decided to do the starter kit this time because in the past i bought them hodge podge from a local shop and who knows if the quality was good.

          My core was extremely weak when I started and has improved a lot, but I still have a long way to go. The great thing about pilates is that you can keep making it harder by adjusting the exercises.


            Tuesday Mods - April 15th

            Hi Modsters!
            Ducky, Lorelei, Ripple...

            I've got the day off! Just waiting for it to warm up, hopefully the sun will come out & make for a good day for paddling!
            I'm thinking of heading down the coast & paddling on the Chetco river today. It might be a little warmer, and it's really pretty there too!

            Hope everybody has a great day!
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Tuesday Mods - April 15th

              ello Fellow Modders,

              It's so funny that you are all talking about Pilates. Just this morning I ordered a beginners Pilates DVD from Amazon. I do cardio or weight resistant exercies 4- 5 times a week, but as I am getting older I really feel the need to strengthen my core. I feel so hunched over.

              I mentioned "reprogramming" in yesterdays thread and a few of you asked to hear more. I didn't really set out with a grand plan but these are the things that help me.
              1.) I keep a journal. Especially in the beginning I would write down the positives of being AF for the evening. There is always something to write. I now have a notebook filled with memories of walks around the neighborhood, not slurring when answering the phone, saying "no problem" to one of my kids if they needed to be picked up later in the evening.... When I need stronger commitment to this program, I just reread parts of my journal.
              2.) No wicked wine box in my house. The box of wine was my downfall. It was way too easy to keep refilling the glass. In my mind I picture a skull and crossbones as the front label on the box. I now only drink wine if my husband and I are splitting a bottle.
              3.) I always have a plan for dinner and have it on the table by 6PM. Once I eat I have no desire to drink.

              In essence, I had to modify my routine and focus on the positives. I still have to work at it, but it does get easier.

              I'd be interested in hearing other peoples strategies.



                Tuesday Mods - April 15th

                So after a long day of feeling like crap I have decided its time for another 30 day AF stint. As always I am trying to change too much and end up feeling like a failure. I'm going to take a page out of Takingcontrol's book and start a journal. I realize that I am only half committed to all of my changes and that is why I feel like I'm making little progress and fighting the same battles over and over again. I know when I do this my self acceptance takes a licking and I start the drinking cycle all over again. I'm starting with little self acceptance now but look forward to gaining a bit at a time. Habits and addictions that grow out of them are turning me into someone I don't like very much. I had the dedication to attend college at night for 11 years to get my degree, where is all that dedication now? I have been firmly dedicated to treating my self as shabbily as I possibly could for a long time. Now is time to stop the self defeating behaviors one by one. Thanks to all here at MWO who have been supportive in the past, know I'll be leaning on y'all again as I go through my first 30 days.

                Suddenly I see
                This is what I want to be
                suddenly I see
                Why the hell it means so much to me.

                -KT Tunstall

