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Wed Mods 4/16

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    Wed Mods 4/16

    Hello friends, Just thought I'd drop by and say hey. This month is definetly looking up with the warm spring weather here. I know I tend to be affected by the cold gray weather. I'm doing ok, for some reason I just felt need to drink last night. Not especially proud of myself today but I'll get over it. What is it with our impulses ? I could drink if I'm happy, sad, depressed, stressed, relaxed or bored. Suppose it works that way with food as well. Some else was talking about a journal and I'm seriously considering one. Along with the stars on my calendar. Which I did not get one last night but will today ! Take care all.

    Wed Mods 4/16

    Hi Kat:
    Worked late tonite (becoming a new "bad" habit) but noticed the indie bookstore had Elizabeth Berg speaking so stopped in to hear her read and answer questions for 45 min. It was great. Also had a nice interaction w/ my 13 year old daughter before I went: was just getting home from work, told her I saw this event and really wanted to go, and she said "GO for it Mom, NOW". Kind of a nice thanks, I think, for letting her go to a concert on a school night last week.

    Anyway, day off tomorrow, so having a nice glass of wine tonight, looking forward to a few personal appts tomorrow, some exercise, aaaaaaah. It's all good.

    Hope all the modders are meeting their goals. Check in if you can. If you need any support, cheers, encouragement or a hug, check in too: we're here for you!!



      Wed Mods 4/16

      Moderation Newbie

      I'm just starting out this moderation thing and so far so good. I do have a possible situation coming up on Friday night. I was invited to go over to a girlfriends house for munchies and happy hour. I found myself hesitating alittle to whether I should go. I've already got in my mind not to exceed two drinks and to just relax and have a good time. Needed to get your opinion, should I put myself in the situation or not? Things are going very well so far and I guess I don't want anything to ruin my great run. I've never really had a problem drinking too much around my friends, usually over indulged at home. I'm what you call the binge drinker. Well, I'll make the decision and just trust myself to do the right thing. Thanks for listening:tempted::tempted:


        Wed Mods 4/16

        Leyla, You are very welcome here. I hear you on the social thing. I tend to overdrink because I'm a bit of a social phobic. There was an earlier thread here about strategies which I found helpful. Best to you.

