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Passed on the drink

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    Passed on the drink

    I'm not sure why but being at Trader Joe's today was espeically hard for me. I wanted so much to buy a bottle of good red wine, but knowing that I would be drinking alone and at home I passed on it. I have to say that I do miss having a drink at home, it's nice to unwind before dinner. I told myself with this whole moderation thing that I would not drink at home anymore, knowing that it is one of my biggest triggers. I got through it, and I'm proud of myself.....My husband has not said one thing to me about not drinking at home. He was the one that didn't want me to drink at home and he hasn't said BOO to me. He just has a hard time telling me he's proud of me (for any reason) strange huh? Just wanted to say thanks to all of you out there that have been there for me, this site has really changed my life.:thanks:

    Passed on the drink


    My hubby hasn't said "good job" or "kudos" or anything to me about my not drinking, either. He does when I say things like, I am on 30 days, etc. but no volunteering.

    I believe, one, he is afraid to praise in the event I do slip, two, it doesn't occur to him to praise me for something I should be doing anyway.

    Nonetheless, I am thrilled. Totally.

    As for modding, I agree, alcohol at home is a huge trigger and a very dangerous thing. If I were to try to mod, I would never have it at home, because I could see me falling right back into the old patterns.

    Glad you are here, Leyla, and very proud of you for passing on the vino at home.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Passed on the drink

      :goodjob: Leyla.

      You are doing this for yourself. Husbands don't have a clue do they!!!!!!

      Well done.
      Enough is enough


        Passed on the drink

        Leyla, WELL DONE!!!!!

        Can't comment on hubbies because mine is a member here ...

        Just remember that you are doing this for you, not hubby .........

        Love & Hugs, BB xx


          Passed on the drink

          Hey Leyla: glad to see you here again. Good job on passing the wine at Trader Joes. I'm lucky that our TJ's doesn't carry wine, so I don't face that option each week. I have to go to a separate store. I'm one who has not had wine in the house for my modding time, except for a few times I've thought I could "handle it" and each time found I drank more days that week than I intended. However, I was able to limit to 2 drinks per day.

          So if thinking of this as "not for now" idea makes it easier, can you try that? I've heard some folks say they didn't have wine at home for 9 months. Others who share a bottle with spouse may have tried it sooner; each of us has to notice our triggers and avoid them.

          I had an pretty big urge to drink last night which was a planned AF day, so I tried L-glut under the tongue for the first time ever, and I am one happy camper today. Another big "0" in the drink tracker AND even better, another 1/2 lb lower on the scale this morning. With Biggest loser weigh ins this week every little bit helps!

          Best to all today!




            Passed on the drink

            Leyla,:goodjob: on passing it up. And yes, hubbys are definately made from a different mold...

            "Can't live with em 1/2 of the time... & it's illegal to shoot em"

            My Hubby came to visit me (a few years ago, when I was @ an in-patient treatment center), with a 12 pk of beer in the truck with him! DUH! What friggin kind of support is that?

            Thankfully, I've found a way to "Mod", and still keep peace & harmony @ home. Don't think total ABS would have worked here in our home...Well, it did for about 45 days, after treatment... but even a "saint" has their breaking point! LOL
            I am the "Saint of Lost causes" after all!
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Passed on the drink

              Couldn't do it without you!

              Your right, I am doing it for myself. Thanks for all your support. I just take one day at a time.:h:l

