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    Hi all,

    Overdid it a little last night. Not stupid/ fall down but 2 more than usual on a bad day so feel a bit rough this morning.

    Not beating myself up though like I would have done a year ago as I know I can get back up and take control now.

    Two years ago I was drinking double what I had last night with no after-effects the next day cos that was the norm.

    Hope you are all well.

    Love to all,

    Enough is enough


    Morning waves .............

    I agree that you don't need to beat yourself up, even 'normal' people overdo it sometimes ..........

    Have you seen the thread in general about a london meet????

    Love & Hugs to everyone else .........

    BB xx



      Hey Waves and BB,

      Waves, my overdoing it nights also, in general, involve less A than a year ago. That is an accomplishment. Hop back on and you will be fine.

      Back to my cleaning...



        Hi Ducky, nice to 'see' you ........

        I'm doing housework too ...... Its a lovely day here so managed to get 3 loads of washing done, dried, and ironed!!! What fun .........

        Love & Hugs to everyone .............



          Hi Betty and Ducky,

          I had thought about the weekend away and was thinking of booking a show but life is not lending itself to a weekend away at the moment.

          Thanks for thinking of me.

          Enough is enough



            BB, I don't mind washing and drying but ironing...I just wear things a bit wrinkled and hope people thing they got that way in the car! Or take them to the cleaners...I guess that is my one NON-OCD characteristic.

            Waves, sorry you can't get away. Try to do something nice for yourself, no matter how little.



              Hi there,
              Waves, BB, & Ducky!

              I'm forcing myself to drink water & wishing to God it were something stronger...

              I HATE my job SOO much right now it's honestly making me sick!
              I had 3 days off this week... the whole time I obsessed about how F*cked up it is where I work!

              I just called in with a migraine...
              Not working tonight.

              The owner of the cafe doesn't tip waitresses! He "stiffed' me last time I served him. I mentioned it to some of the other girls... they said, "Oh, He never tips"

              That's Bullshit! I'm having a very hard time working there with that alone... But many other things going on as well.

              I do have a painting job starting tomorrow. It's only part time, but it's something. Then I have something else lined up in about a month...
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                Hi Jude,

                Sorry work is so sh*tty. Time to think about your time on the river I think.:l

                Ducky, I don't iron unless I absolutely have to. Luckily tumble dryers keep clothes relatively crease-free. Going to walk the dog now. Lovely weather here today so should be nice.

                Enough is enough



                  Waves, dont worry there will be another meet .........

                  Ducky, I can live life creased but can't send Kerrie to school like that LOL .....

                  Judie, be strong hun, it will get better ........

                  Love & Hugs to everyone ........

                  BB xx



                    Betty B, I'm such a Butt head snivelling about a stupid job...
                    it's not really that big of a deal when you look @ the whole picture...

                    Sending prayers to you & yours Hon...:h:l

                    :l hugs to Kerrie!
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                      Judie, you are allowed to feel down about whatever you want to .....

                      My dad always used the term 'the straw that broke the camels back' ......It may feel trivial but on top of everything else that is happening it just tips the scales .........

                      Love ya, BB xx



                        Judie: Sorry this work thing is so tough. Hope you can hang in there for the next few weeks; sounds like this boss is REALLY pushing your buttons . . . changing the schedule without telling you and then not tipping , when that is a wait staff's livelihood. Both actions are very disrespectful, and I can see where they would make you mad. Do you think he is trying to provoke you in any way - does he know about your new job, and might he be mad you are leaving, or could he be trying to get you lose your cool, to jeopardize your new job?

                        What are strategies for 'defusing' this guys' effect on you? Somehow he's gotten under your skin and the situation is bothering you on your days off.

                        I've been this way about certain people(my exes' first wife): I would lie awake at night with my mind just racing, thinking about the injustices she brought into my life etc etc. I felt so powerless, when in fact I really had some power. Now she is no longer part of my life, and I wish I hadn't wasted all the energy I spent hating her. But it's hard to "let it go" at the time you're living through it.

                        I don't have the answers, just the observation that this isn't good for you (duh) and that I wish more peace of mind for you. Since he's not going to change, something about the way you think about him must change: (can you imagine him as a silly clown that mildly amuses you?) or something like that?

                        Anyway: I'm hoping your feeling better.




                          Thanks Ginny,

                          I do have something up my sleeve. But I'm not gonna put it in print...

                          Really appreciate your insite though...:l

                          "This too, shall pass":H
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

