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Maybe May can be your moderation month!

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    Maybe May can be your moderation month!


    My aspirations when joining this site were exactly how Waves put them - no out of control nights (so embarrassing!!!) and AF worknights. That's all I really wanted!! But I am going to go AF for May - or at least try!!!! Just to get a head start and try to shed these stubborn pounds. Then June will be a mod month for me (unless I change my mind and try to do as many AF in a row as I can - but I will think about that then).

    Croft - I've been wondering about your fitness level too!! Good for you! I used to run marathons quite a few years ago, then started having foot and knee problems, so moved to doing Triathlons to lessen the running, and now the chiropractor doesn't want me running at all!!!! Phooey!!! But it always hurts!! Which is why I swim like a mad lady. I did my 2100m swim this evening and feel great! I am not exactly a spring chicken, being in my late-ish 40's, but that's no reason to stop movin' the bod!!!
    Have a great Friday!


      Maybe May can be your moderation month!


      good luck with your AF May and pop in any time. Late 40s is young! (I am 49). I was a swimmer in school, right up through college. I guess those days of double practices (4 hours total) have turned me off to lap swimming. Maybe one of these days I'll get back into it. It is wonderful, nonimpact exercise. Keep it up.


        Maybe May can be your moderation month!

        WOW, PP - you went to CU! cool!

        yes, everyone here eats healthy - this is the only place I know of where a McDonalds actually went out of business! and we have more brew pubs per capita that almost anywhere else in the states.


          Maybe May can be your moderation month!

          Peanut - swimming is great! I wish I were a better swimmer. Someday!


            Maybe May can be your moderation month!

            Hi, I'm new and on day 5 AF and plan on keeping May AF, but I'm curious as to what moderation is? Is it up to the individual? How do you all define it?
            Wasted Time (NO MORE!)


              Maybe May can be your moderation month!

              Hi Wastedtime and welcome,

              I think you will find all kinds of definitions. Some folks use government guidelines; many have their own idea of moderation or mods. I am trying to be DF (drunk free) and avoid any out of control drinking. I am also trying to have some AF nights. Some folks don't drink during the week but do try to moderate on w/ends. Some just have a drink now and then.

              So it's really what works for you rather than a "rule."

              Congrats on your 5 days!!!:welcome:

