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Mods Monday

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    Mods Monday

    Off to pilates but wanted to start us up. DH and I have decided to make June (starting today though) a healthy month. More fish and leans meats, use our steamer more, keep up the exercise, mods...Two months till I turn 50 and I want to drop some weight.

    How is everyone today?

    Mods Monday

    Hey Ducky,

    I am doing great today! I am trying to make June a healthy month as well - keeping up with my moderation (it's so nice to be able to enjoy the occasional margarita on the deck without stressing about it!)

    Started excercising and eating healthy - I am trying to drop about 10 pounds as well! Bathing suit season is here!

    Take care everyone, have a great mods day!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      Mods Monday

      Good morning Ducky and Uni!

      I'm with you. I tried really hard to eat better and move more, but the weight won't come off like I want! So I'm going to bump it up a little--get my bike out! I'd like to tone up and drop a few before we go to Texas next week, but that's probably asking too much!! I really thought that once I quit consuming the extra beer calories the weight would fall off. Maybe it's my age???
      I'm pretty happy about my moderating. I have gone from drinking 8-10 beers 3-5 nights a week and then sometimes more on the weekend, to a few beers at social events a couple times a month. (From 30 beers a week to less than that a month) I still need to work on cutting down on the number of beers at a time by adding water between beers. Next goal!

      Hang in there everyone!! I think Finding my self has added some inspiration to this site!!:goodjob:
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        Mods Monday

        Morning all, seems to be something in the air, or maybe its because the first holiday is over......we never made it to a party we had on Saturday, which wasn't a bad thing, had our own cookout with the kids which made me more attune to not drinking with everything i do, also made me do some more cooking and baking, made TGIF's sauce to go with the BBQ on Sat and then made some healthy chicken soup......didn't go AF this weekend, was kind of depressed, get that way on holidays, but did do pretty darn good if i say so myself....i have found it easier to keep that water available in between sips, if not in between week, new start to exercise and eat right and get out and enjoy this beautiful weather, and hopefully drop a few pounds as well for bathing suit season.


          Mods Monday

          Hi everyone, Making June a healthy month is an excellent idea.............

          I'm in for that ........

          BB xx


            Mods Monday

            I am joining you in your health kick!! What a great idea!!!


              Mods Monday

              ducky;333292 wrote: Off to pilates but wanted to start us up. DH and I have decided to make June (starting today though) a healthy month. More fish and leans meats, use our steamer more, keep up the exercise, mods...Two months till I turn 50 and I want to drop some weight.

              How is everyone today?
              How you doing with this, Ducky?
              Enough is enough


                Mods Monday

                Hey Waves,

                A bit up and down here. The exercise is going great and we have been eating less, and healthier. I dropped 4 pounds in the last couple of weeks. Still wanting to cut down more on A though...

                How is everyone else doing?


                  Mods Monday

                  Going to try moding after after one week AF am a little nervous i might have a set back.

                  My Rules. Three Days a Week AF. No more than 4 beers ever!! A glass of water between beers!!


                    Mods Monday

                    Seriously guys I might have to change my name from Boozehag to Mother Theresa. I am so virtuous these days I might well be cannonized. Moderating is going well - no binge urges at all. Funny thing though I have been swimming most days since the day I went AF/NF that is 1 April. Well I started on 25 lengths then upped it to 30 lengths then moved to from the kiddies pool into the main pool. No just joking I am now on 50 lengths and its a piece of cake. Well the interesting thing is that for the first few lengths my brain goes what the hell do you think you are doing this hurts us why not go and sit in the lovely spa pool or the steam room or better still the cafe and nobody will know. It is the same freaking voice that used to make me drink and smoke. I have come to the conclusion that the brain is really a lazy alcoholic couch potatoe that just wants to lie around all day and drink and smoke and eat bad food. What you think?
                    Mother Superior (previously know as booze and fag hag)


                      Mods Monday

                      Hey Ducky: Four pounds is great. :goodjob: on the exercise and eating habits!!
                      Mother Teresa:You are too too funny, but good for you too on swimming. Isn't it great to do something like laps where you can see exercise tolerance increase . . . up to 50 laps! Great Job.

                      I'm now at 20 lbs . . . about 10 or 12 to go to get to goal. Started last August so this has been slow and steady . . . cutting back on alcohol in January was a key factor. Also trying to ride my bike to work a couple of days/week (1/2 hour each way) these days.

                      Hello to Viking: Let us know how we can support you as you try mods; Your goals sound good. Are you using Drink Tracker? Got your "alternative beverages" for your AF evenings"? Keep us updated if that would help you.

                      Looking forward to hearing more from others


                        Mods Monday

                        Hi Ducky,
                        I think it's great that you have lost 4lbs. Especially when you make such lovely meals. Once again I feel the urge to come to yours to eat. I need to lose some weight before my hols.

                        Mother Theresa - You are so lucky not to have the urges. Well done on the swimming. my ppol is always so full that I hate trying to swim lengths as there are so many others in my way. Selfish me wants the whole pool to herself!

                        Viking- sounds like a good plan.

                        Ask for help- you are doing great with your goals. I don't like cycling on the roads around where I live as you take your life in your hands. Track cycling is okay but Boozehags brain seems to have moved into mine. LAZY! I could say that I am mega-busy with work, which is true, but i don't like making excuses!

                        Love to all as always. Keep us informed Ducky. :h
                        Enough is enough

