That means two months without a hangover and two months of the best quality life experiences I have had in a long time. I never would have thought it was possible that I could do it. It is all thanks to this site and the people on it.
People reading this might think oh she probably didnt have much of a problem with AL anyway but I can tell you I that is certainly not the case. I was seriously binge drinking and smoking 2/3 times a week only 2 short months ago. The day I joined this site I actually believed I was going to be dead within a couple of months and that my children would know that I had basically drank myself to death. I dont even want to think about that now and it just doesnt even seem real that I was in that place. I am stunned that the difference between where I am now and where I was then is only a matter of one day following the next. I just want people to know that it is possible and as each day goes by it gets easier. Some people have asked whether binge drinking is easier to kick than daily drinking. In my case it I think in retrospect that it is probably true but I only say that as encouragement to those binge drinkers out there.
For June I am going to try to moderate. All that means is that if I am out socially I will have a glass of wine or two if I feel like it and if the occasion justifies it. I wont buy any for home or even think about it very much. If that doesnt happen then I will go AF again but I think I can do it.