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help, stuck in a rut agagin!!

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    help, stuck in a rut agagin!!

    hi all modsters! i feel i need some help from u guys as im back to drinking 1-2 bottles of vino a nite and dunno what to do!!
    im even hiding the bottles again, from hubby and feel ashamed of myself totally.
    im in such a financial shitter at the mo, what wiv prices soaring and kids growing too quickly and needing new shoes every ten minutes lol.
    i get them off to school then go back to bed cos i cant seem to be bothered wiv anything right now, just nothing to do and im so lonely.
    i just have no motivation to do anything and think " well sod it i may as well have a drink" im crap anyway so sod it.
    just read boozehags thread and felt inspired by her story, but im still just thinking" sod it whats the point ?"

    help i need someone to kick me up the arse here, so get typing please !!!!

    thanks for listenin
    lv a sad and fed up sweelips

    help, stuck in a rut agagin!!



      help, stuck in a rut agagin!!

      sweetlips....i can kick your ass for you, but truly you sound like you are wanting to kick you own ass!!! I encourage you to do so!!!!
      Take a look in the mirror and have it out with yourself and then breathe and start anew. How many days have you done af? Moding is very difficult and many found they could not do it till they had a good handful of af days under their belts, even then it is still a challenge. Nobody said this journey would be easy, so don't think you will have the high need to buckle down in your fortress, gather ammo (mine is seltzer with lemon), and be prepared to take on this battle with AL.
      I also suggest for your loneliness and lack of drive in the day, how about a j-o-b? With prices soaring, maybe you can supplement your income with a little extra cash while doing something that you enjoy?
      Well, I'm taking off my boxing gloves now.....hope I didn't hit you too hard, good luck!


        help, stuck in a rut agagin!!

        Hey Sweetlips,

        Sorry you are so down. I agree, maybe getting out of the house would be good, whether working for a few hours, exercising, something. Going back to bed is not a good plan. I can't remember if you were doing any of the supps?

        Hope you are feeling better.


          help, stuck in a rut agagin!!

          We can assist you once you are motivated but, the TRUE motivation has to come from you. You have to want it and you have to go in with a positive attitude. So, chin up and get ready to kiss ass!

          You can do this!!
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            help, stuck in a rut agagin!!

            I can relate to the lonliness. But in the long run AL makes me feel more lonely and even more isolated. It's a big, vicious circle. Although you have to do it primarily for yourself, also think about how much your kids love and need you to be in the present with them. But who am I to give advice?? I just know that AL ruined relationships for me, and I just don't want that to happen again. You can do this!

