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Sunday June 15

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    Sunday June 15

    Hi all;

    We haven't had a daily thread for a while, and I'm wondering how everyone is doing. I miss hearing from Ducky, Croft, Betty Boop, LVT25, St Jude (please come back soon!) Sweet lips and more recently Boozehag. I know there are many others I'm forgetting but please check in and reinforce that our Modders group is alive and well.

    It's midJune w/ my daughter's school ending this week, so things should quiet down.

    I've been at this 5.5 months and in the few weeks have had some challenges keeping within my mods goals . . . nothing dramatic just a few drinks here or there more than I'd planned. Am looking forward to talking w/ my couselor tomorrow; as I wrote here last week, I don't know if it's "normal" to have some variation, or whether its time to retool.

    How are things going for YOU?


    Sunday June 15

    hi ask, i know tis a day late for this thread but i dont get a look in on this thing at weekends tis kids homework and hubby's games!!
    anyway, i have not been too busy here lately, had a crappy few weeks and needed a kick up the butt, which i got and thank u all lol!
    so went out and got myself a part time job doing my soft furnishings at home so tis very flexible, and money not too bad, tis great cos if its sunny i can do it in the eve!!
    this is my plan so i can go back to being af from mon to fri, then mods at weekends.
    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just burnt my cheese and tomato toastie, sugar! oh well spose bit of charcoald bread aint gonna kill me!!

    so hi everyone again and i look forward to poppin in every day to say howdy!

    big love to all
    lv sweetlips xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


      Sunday June 15

      Hell AFH and sweets-
      Thanks for the check in afh, I too need the support through this modding. I have done very well and actually can't believe it is me when I hear the words, "No thanks." or "I'll just have a water." This is not the same person I knew just two months ago. I also have noticed that having my 2/3 drinks out is better than home, and yes AL does creep in and try to get me to buy him on my way home, but I don't cave and have some tea/juice/soda when I get home and feel FABULOUS!!!!

      AFH- I am curious what your counselor has to say, spread the knowledge.

      I hope the mods group is around this summer and doing well!



        Sunday June 15

        I'm back - took a break as I have been so busy.

        but yes, I need this mod group to keep me on target. Sometimes it echos out here. A daily thread really helps!!!!

        I had a great weekend, but did drink more than I wanted to on Father's Day. Back on track today though and planning to be AF most of the week to make up for Sunday.


          Sunday June 15

          Hi Croft (and all) , glad you're back. I'm busy too, but can't seem to stay away from here.

          Decided a couple of weeks ago to go AF for at least 30. Can't seem to control myself in social situations.
          So I haven't been hanging out with the moderators much!
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            Sunday June 15

            Hi all
            Thanks for starting this thread ask.
            For me the difference between AF and moderation is not really very much - it just means that I dont HAVE to say No if I dont want to. Mostly I do say no anway because I just cant be bothered having one drink - but knowing I can have one if I want to sort of takes the mental struggle out of it. Sounds crazy I am sure. I used to drink white wine but since I went mod I have been having red wine or rose which I never really liked before anyway so there is no binge urge on those and of course for me if there is no nicotine with the AL then my brain doubly says whats the point! I did have a glass of white wine before the movies last week as someone bought one for me and as I drank it I could feel it hitting the spot. Brain was thinking like like more more give give ... so I think my mod strategy needs to stay away from white wine. Strangely enough when I look at white wine in a glass it doesnt call me as it used to - it frightens me! I know I am weird and I am also very boring now.
            Thats the price to pay I suppose!


              Sunday June 15

              I don't think you're boring at all boozehag! :l:H
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                Sunday June 15

                hi all on this tues morn, in gonna keep my promise to myself and check in everyday!
                wow boozehag i did exactly what u doing, as i too could down gallons of white and didnt care for red so chose that instead and it worked for me,and red is a bit better for yr blood right??
                so keep up the good work u all sound like u are on a great mission and im finding it so inspiring to read all yr posts everyone.
                i have a plan that i do all my work during the day then leave all my housework to after 8pm, at 7pm i take my dog out for an hour on the heath ( no temptation there!) then start on my house and other chores, so i get past my witching hour that way and so far so good, by 9.30 im pooped and fell into bed!!
                must admit tho didint sleep too good wierd dreams and bit sweaty but i can cope with that.
                got my daughters parents evenin tonite so thats cool and no al for me.
                keep checking in, u all really boosting me right now thank u all

                big love sweetlips xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


                  Sunday June 15

                  Checking in with the Mods.......

                  Just working a lot, business is pretty good at this time of the year.

                  Still painting the living / dining room.......

                  The cats are angry because the are no horizontal surfaces, except the floor, for them to lay upon and shed.

                  I need to stay AF during the week because of the heat. Working outside, I drink 2-3 gallons of water per day to just stay hydrated. Sweating is cleansing........

                  till tomorrow.........
                  -maybe, is the new maybe-


                    Sunday June 15

                    Yes I think changing drink does really help. I feel almost grown up with a glass of red wine (at 46!) and I only sip it as I havent really acquired a taste for it yet and hopefull I wont either.


                      Sunday June 15

                      Great Posts - all of you!

                      Thanks for everyones checking in. We're a good group with lots of good sharing!

                      I've been out flat with a GI bug since Sunday, and THAT's a motivator to be AF when you can't even imagine eating or drinking anthing but water . . . after two days in bed and a wobbly start today, chicken soup helped me turn the corner.

                      So no news from the counselor (had to miss than meeting.).
                      My daughter had her 8th grade graduation / moving on ceremony today and she looked Mahvelous. will have to post a pic of her . .. she's amazing.

                      Lots of work to catch up with since I've been out sick, but lefts keep our "chat"going. I think its helpful to many of us!.

                      Go Celtics: NBA Champions!!!!



                        Sunday June 15

                        Hey there everybody, just a late check in for me...

                        Congrats Ask, on your daughter's graduation! Hope you're feeling better.

                        I've been busy with a new job that's driving me nuts ...doing split shifts, & being yanked back & forth with-out a real seems to change by the minute.

                        But hopefully I'll be going back to one of my old jobs from 3 years ago. I'm excited about that, it's the best restaurant in town & really busy. Talked to the owner today & he says he'd take me back in a heartbeat!:h

                        So far this spring has been full of dissapointment & challenges, that I haven't been dealing with too well.

                        Finally starting to feel a bit more in balance after my misscariage. That really whacked me out, for quite a while. Life goes on...

                        Thank God for the kind folks on this planet... Life's too short to put up with the other crap...
                        I was really uncertain about quiting my job, but it's looking like maybe one of the best things I've done in quite sometime...
                        I sure hope so.
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          Sunday June 15

                          Hey Jude. . . take a sad song and make it better . . .

                          Wow Judes its really GREAT to see you back!!! I've sure missed your kayaking logo around here. For new modders: St Judes is a breath of fresh air, and often pops in with a quirky, or pithy observation, and of course a wink of the little man with the black cap!

                          Jude: Glad you're feeling a little better after a rough spring and you are overdue for some good job luck after your recent bout of job angst. I'll keep fingers crossed and hope for good news.

                          Flying and anyone else curious: I've been thinking about the question of "is it normal to "flex or vary" your goals after 5 months?" and I think I've come up with my own answer - in the form of another question.

                          Does the "flex" or "variation" go both ways ? (Do you have weeks where you have fewer drinks than planned, as well weeks in which you have more drinks than planned? Do you have weeks when you drink fewer days than planned as well as weeks in which you drink more days than planned?

                          If the answer is Yes: the variation goes both ways, then I don't think there is any issue.

                          However for me, that is not the case. I have not had weeks where I've cut back below my goal. BUT I have had three - four weeks in the last months where I have had several extra drinks/week or in which I've drunk 4 days instead of 3 which is my goal. So I've decided that's NOT OK, and I need to buckle back down to my plan and STICK WITH IT.

                          So one less mystery of the universe solved for me anyway! LOL
                          Thanks for listening to that.

                          Let's all keep in touch. Do we need to start a new thread? or do you like this somewhat outdated one? First one on tomorrow get's to choose!


                            Sunday June 15

                            I find to my amazement that I am having way less than I thought I would. Most of the time I cant be bothered just having one or two so I dont have any but then again it is winter here in NZ (or to an ex northern hemisphere person pretend winter) and most people are in hibernation mode so there is not much temptation anyway and as part of my plan I dont have any AL in the house (well not the type I would drink anyway).
                            Seeing as I will be first to see the dawn each day I should probably start the threads - well I will start tomorrow's thread as a start.
                            BH (no more)

