Dear ricecake, I too am trying to see if I can moderate. I think the brain chemistry has to change before this can happen. Why bother having one if you know it will turn into 4 or more? I know that I drink to self medicate. I'm not a doc, but your behavior is similar to mine and I know I'm trying to drown something so I drink more when I'm alone. (depression) Until I can get past that, I think it is probably better to be very diligent on the sipping at special occasions only. Thats my plan in the future. Right now I'm hoping the supps, cd's, and topa will start to work it's magic, which doesn't happen over night. Wish us both happy healthy journeys!!! KEKE
Update 7/31/08 A couple of years ago I found that I could drink quite a bit of alcohol and get a number of chores accomplished. So, I managed ok. Now I just get tired when I drink (at home) and have a hangover, so I could no longer use the excuse that I functioned better. This is what brought me here. I'd already gone through the wine is good for me excuse. This is my third time trying this program (the first at trying all aspects of it) and by far the most successful - mentally, spiritually, and physically. Tonight Al started talking to me cuz hubby left for the evening and this is when I would typically cheat. I ate and turned the computer on instead. There is alcohol in the house, but I don't want to let myself down. It is just too painful. Ricecake, Keep, Keep, Keep, trying. Keke