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rapid heart beat

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    rapid heart beat

    Hi all.

    I slipped up last night and didn't do well at moding. Had company over. Anyway, no hangover today, but I do notice that when I drink more than a few, the night and next day my heart rate seems to be excellerated. Anyone else with this problem and possible reasons why?


    :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
    AF since 10/11/2008

    rapid heart beat


    When I was drinking, my blood pressure and my pulse were elevated.

    As soon as I was sober for a week or so, they went back to normal.

    Right now my pulse is in the 70s and my bp is dead on normal,, 120s over 70s.

    Alcohol is poison. Do not forget that.

    AF April 9, 2016


      rapid heart beat

      water is an essential part of your blood...when you drink you get dehydrated(pee out lots o' water)...thus have a lower blood volume...the natural reflex (reflex tachycardia) of your body is to increase your heart rate to get the lower volume of blood to the places you need it....thats why after you drink some water you eventually notice your heart rate slow....p.s. the fastest way to increase blood volume is to eat some salt and drink water since water follows sodium (don't eat A LOT of salt and don't do it if you are on a low salt diet by your doc!!!)....this is a good thing to know though if you are ever in a situation where someone has lost a lot of blood through hemorrhage...carry some salted crackers and water


        rapid heart beat

        I was drinking wine. Thanks Cindi. I'll keep that in mind. AL is POISON.

        :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
        AF since 10/11/2008


          rapid heart beat

          Thanks Dove for that sightful information. How scary how AL makes your body do strange things. I have anxiety and thought it was because of that. I'll drink lots of water.
          :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
          AF since 10/11/2008


            rapid heart beat

            I agree that you are dehydrated. And I think we have all experienced this at times. Comes with the territory.

            Get plenty of healthy fluids in you. Gatorade (or anything with electrolytes) may be better than consuming salt. But whatever method you use, drink plenty today.

            Love, Me
            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


              rapid heart beat

              your welcome...yes gatorade is a good choice if you can get to the is supposed to have more of the other electrolytes you lost including sodium....the heart thing is what is making me stop drinking...your heart is mature muscle like any other muscle in your body and could potentially get 'worn out' faster by all the extra, non healthy beating it does when we are facts on that just keeps me up at night


                rapid heart beat

                For me, the heart beat problem was more than dehydration. If I drink way too much my heart beat is irregular and uncomfortable for a couple of days. It used to feel so awful, then I'd go back for more. Modding has been going quite well (but trying not to get overconfident) so I decided to come over to this forum.


                  rapid heart beat

                  Thank for this thread, i've notice this as well when drinking and coming of the AL. (Its funny how, well you dont think nothing of it or just turn a blind eye, until someone mentions it.)
                  family is everything to me


                    rapid heart beat

                    Some women are prone to VPC's (ventricular pre-contractions) and they ARE said to be brought on by alcohol...maybe that is what you are having masie...they can also happen in times of an epinepherine rush, too much caffiene, or by sleeping on one side while in bed...can't remember which side...i get them...a doctor once called it 'the curse' that some women have....he said not to worry....that lots of women have them...i tend to worry though since it is an feels like my heart beats along fine and then has a few to many beats that want to beat out of my the second beat is pulling on my heart into my chest


                      rapid heart beat

                      Thanks for all the posts. My Dr. said it can be caused by anxiety. But, I think AL may trigger it. I know caffeine does and I have cut WAY down.

                      I too came over to MOD because I wasn't doing well with AF.

                      Thanks for the support!

                      :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
                      AF since 10/11/2008


                        rapid heart beat

                        I was told to expect that during detox. I don't know if you are detoxing or not, just thought I would share what I was told by the doctor
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          rapid heart beat

                          That happens to me as well if I over do it and have realized too much drinking causes me a lot of anxiety and I mean a lot. Water is very important and of course moderating which I am getting back too. Lost ground there for awhile but am finding it again and I've been here a long time.
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            rapid heart beat

                            Thanks! My partner has heart beat trouble if he sleeps on his left side.....he drinks very little and has had a stent fitted some years ago....seems it can affect men and women.... I have had it for years too - and just now would echo the 'drink more water' thing.... I couldn't work out why I have felt so 'poo' for a while until I realised that, despite everything 'good' I was doing (and not 'bad' at last!), I was drinking nothing like the water I drank last year whe I went AF. (I drank it by the gallon to 'fill me up' and 'keep me busy' - seems it had double the bonus!!!)

                            There is a very good book out there about the benefits of water, "Your Body's Many Cries For Water." Very, very interesting! Time to dig out my copy - and the big glasses of water! (I set a kitchen timer to go off each hour to remind to drink a glass of water each hour - soon get into the habit! Time to do it again!)

                            FMS xx
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

