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Moderation Tools - How Do You Do It?

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    Moderation Tools - How Do You Do It?

    :new: Hi Everyone. I've found this website Saturday morning while in a shamed and desperate hungover state and I'm so glad I found all of you. I've posted on the newbie site over the weekend, but since I'm hoping to moderate I want to find out how you do it. I had been to a party Friday night and really lost control, ending up sloppy and in a blackout for the last part of the evening. I literally didn't see it coming. I was okay and then suddenly the wine hit me like a mack truck! I don't have episodes this extreme all the time but the loss of control is becoming more frequent, I'm getting drunker than I'd like more often than I'd like and I'm scared (not to mention occasionally embarrassed.) Wine is my drink of choice and my husband and I drink wine most evenings starting and ending with dinner. We used to share 1 bottle a night, but we have been up to 1 1/2 or even two some nights. My main problem is the social setting. When I'm anxious or uncomfortable or just having fun I drink continuously throughout the evening, which can really add up. I guess my goal would be to keep the drinking at home to one shared bottle of wine most nights and come up with some kind of plan for social drinking as this is where I'm really losing it. How do you make it through a party? What is a drink counter? Would a plan to limit yourself to one drink per hour be realistic? Alternate water and wine? Limit to 2 - 3? I have several parties coming up and I need a plan! I have downloaded the book, the Kudzu is on it's way and I plan to order the c.d.'s this week. I have been AF the last two days out of contrition!. Thanks to all for being here. I look forward to hearing from you what tools get you through.
    "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
    Nelson Mandela

    Moderation Tools - How Do You Do It?

    Hi Margoms - Well done being AF for the last 2 days. I too am trying to moderate since my last major slip November. So far this year, I'm happy with my progress, I had an occasion where I drank a little bit more than I would have liked to (only realised in the morning) but otherwise that's it. I've learnt to limit myself to 2 drinks on a weekday, 4 if I go out on a weekend and try to have 3 AF days a week. I now know if I have more than 4 drinks in a session I'm starting to push it a bit. I've also abstained twice for 40-50 days prior but with no Kudzu or supps (I wish I'd used supps the second time round.). Anyway, stick around and thanks for your post!
    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


      Moderation Tools - How Do You Do It?

      Hi Margoms, I began like you ; one bottle per night. Then it gradually creeps up. I didn't find this site until we were drinking 2 /3 bottles plus 4/6 cans per night.
      • I began by taking exercise,
      • drinking water before drinkingnot drinking until after eating instead of beforeonly buying the amount i intended drinking.
      I cut down for 2 months and then went AF for 32 days. After the AF stint it was much easier to moderate.

      But a word of warning-once I overdid it I found it harder to get control the second time around.

      Good luck with your journey.
      Enough is enough

