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    I started out alcohol free. After 14 days I had 3 glasses of wine at dinner one night and two days later I drank 2 beers in the afternoon. I have been alcohol free since. So, as of tomorrow, I will have drank moderately on 2 occasions in 21 days. I'm very pleased about that although the alcohol free days are not always easy. Friday I plan to drink as I get to go on a date with my husband. I love my new lowered tolerance as moderate drinking is enough to get a nice buzz! I wanted to post about moderation on this board as the subject doesn't always go over to well with the abstinence crowd.


    Congratulations on your success with moderation!
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.



      Welcome to Mods:welcome:
      and I second PP's congrats on a good start to moderating!

      I'm glad you posted . I've found in my MWO time that the mods community isn't quite as active some of the other threads, but there are really good folks on these boards that do mods. So you may not get 20 responses, but it's a good group.

      I think the approach of counting your mods/AF days in a month is a good strategy. Do you use the Drink Tracker? I've found that a helpful tool for keeping myself on track.

      You mention that sometimes the AF days are hard. This is a good time to notice, and maybe even journal what about being AF is hard. Figuring out your triggers for drinking (lonely, sad, hungry, mad, resentful, bored,) helps manage mods (and life!) going forward. Is it the time of day, therefore the habit aspect? or people, or feelings that trigger the urge to drink?

      I found that having good substitutes for drinking really made a difference. I'm not a beer drinker, but I now enjoy AF beer many an evening with my dinner, or even when out socially. It "hits the spot" both in terms of flavor and the "look and feel" of an adult beverage. Early on I experiemented with lots of MWO suggested alternative drinks . . . Cranberry and soda w/ lime was another that got me through a few social situations.

      Anyway, kind of a long welcome, but hope to see you around here!

