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Friday Mods

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    Friday Mods

    Thought I'd start a daily thread down here in modville, like we used to do...
    I've been really busy & haven't had much puter time lately...

    Hope everybody's having a great day.

    I got a suprise day off. At least till 3:PM.

    Think I'll go for a paddle & enjoy the sun & water...maybe catch some waves.

    Bungee swam ALL the way across the river the other day! I was getting my kayak ready to go & when I turned around, he was halfway across the river!(it was probably about 70 yards across where decided to take his swim) Thank God I had already put his lifejacket on him! He's only about an 18 lb doggie! (There was a guy with about 6 little kids across the river ...I guess Bungee decided he wanted to go party with them! Disloyal little shit!) My kayak wasn't even in the river yet! I grabbed my paddle and boat, and started paddling out to him as fast as I could. By the time I got to him he was almost to the other side, but he seemed happy to see me when I pulled him into the boat.
    If a big jet boat would have come by they woudn't have seen him! I still can't believe he swam that! I wouldn't want to !

    That dog's gonna drive me to drink!:H

    Hope everybody's having a great day & meeting their goals.

    For some reason for me, modding seems to come more naturaly in the summer time. Maybe because I'm just so busy I don't really think about drinking so much. Got so much to do...Possibly something to that saying about "idle hands & the devils work" or however that goes...

    Huge Hugs,
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

    Friday Mods


    Good post!! Sorry Bungee did that. I am sure it scared you a bunch.

    Just jumping in here because no response to the mod thing but there are modders out there. They just aren't used to this thread yet.

    Glad to see you, btw. :l

    AF April 9, 2016


      Friday Mods

      Hey Judie,

      Nice to see you and thanks for sharing the story! Glad your doggie made the trip safely.

      Are you still at the same job? I remember you talking about a change...


        Friday Mods

        The gang doesn't post much over here. We need a new influx of moderators to start posting on a regular basis. Nice to see you Ducky. I am sure you are off cooking some awesome meal that would make me drool!

        I just got a pet pig this past week. He is 4 months old a very cute! I posted his pic in the gallery if you want to take a peek.
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Friday Mods


          Hi there! I'm pretty new to MWO but in the last two weeks I've gone from 1-2 bottles a night (most nights) to two light beers a night.... just starting out but doing pretty well! This place is awesome!!!!!


            Friday Mods

            :goodjob: That's great Ash!
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              Friday Mods

              Ok I am back. I need to get posting more over here as well as subscribers. I will do my best.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Friday Mods

                Judie I always love hearing about Bungee and your trips. I was a little confused probably because I have been on and off but did Bungee not get along with your other dog that you found a new home for?

                I hope everyone here knows PP got a great new pet which is a pot belly pig named Wilbur and she's letting me move into her new home and share a space with Wilbur. Isn't that great??
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Friday Mods

                  Checking In

                  Hi Judie and everybody! Nice to see you Ducky, long time . . .have missed you too.

                  I've been spending less time online these days, but doing well . . . something to do w/ having a 14 y/o daughter to keep in line this summer. She's a good kid, but its a challenge.

                  Anyway, nice to see you Jude and PP I didn't know about Wilbur, so I'll take a look for him.

                  I'm heading off to Cape Cod for a week tomorrow am, which I'm looking forward to. Hoping for good beach weather and not too hot to do some good biking. My daugher is bringing a friend so they will have fun. It's a little lonely being the only adult, but better than just the dtr and me. (She just walked through the living room and stated that she hates me, appropo of nothing.) So it goes. If you don't laugh, you'd cry.

                  Will check in when I return. Best to all!


                    Friday Mods

                    Hi mods, nice to catch up with you. Jude, love the whole dog and kayak thing. Ask for help, I only have teenage boys who adore me (most of the time) and I'm afraid of teenage girls, so best of luck!!!! To the rest of the successful mods, it's nice to have something to look forward to. Trying the whole program this time - would someone please slap me when I get lazy and try to do it half ass!!!!! On a positive note. I didn't run and hide this time and I actually asked hubby to get the al out of the house for a while..Day 18 of a 20 day af goal. keke

                    Had to put my dog down last week and (tears) made it thru so far without drinking. I feel like I'm giving her more respect by actually feeling the sadness rather than using it as an excuse to drink. On a happy note: My hubby is not playing fair when I said no dogs for a while. He went and brought home pictures of the cutest black cocker puppies. Brat. I love the smell of puppy breath. I know I might as well get used to black hair in my bed cuz we all know where this is leading to.........

