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Gonna try moderation

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    Gonna try moderation

    Hello there, this is Renewal. I joined this forum a month ago. I started a thread (Newbies Unite) and have gone 28 days AF as of today....after day 31, I would like to try moderation. Before this month, I hadn't gone 2 days AF in many years, so this has been a blessing. I saw on this thread something about 'count'....what does that refer to? Any tips for moderation? I appreciate your input.

    Gonna try moderation

    Wow Renewal you have really done well! :goodjob:
    You have been an inspiration to so many! I'm not a great one to give advice on moderation though. I thought I could do it when I first started--still lacked control when I drank socially, so since June 1 I have been AF. It's weird--I don't care if I drink anymore. I hate the thought of a hangover! I had to quit drinking in order to be successful at quitting smoking, and I guess I don't feel ready to push that yet!

    Many moderate successfully, I'm hoping you can be one of them if that's your goal!

    Keep up the great work!!:l:h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      Gonna try moderation

      Renewal congrats on your AF days that is great. I am not sure what the "count" is either.

      Just be careful with the mod's as AL can creep back up pretty quickly as it did for me. I had never been AF for 30 days however did very well at moderation then had a major set back. I am now on track again and have ordered the supp's. Don't let the program slip like I did while you are trying moderation. I got to cocky and ended up at the beginning again.

      Best of luck to you!!
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Gonna try moderation

        Hi Renewal, well done on going AF for so long, it is something I am still aiming for!!

        Are you referring to the unit counts? If so there is a UK website Drinkaware - Home where you can measure how much you actually drink. When I first heard about it and went online and measured I was horrified at what I thought was ONE glass of wine was actually 2.3 units and the goverment recommends 2 or 3 units a day so here I was thinking I was way BELOW the recommended limit and I was only within.

        I am also taking the supps, don't know if I could do it without to be honest, oh and the Topa!!

        My new mod goal for next month is to go AF durning the week ....
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Gonna try moderation

          Thanks for the feedback guys......any other moderators out there willing to share advice or tips on moderation?????


            Gonna try moderation

            C'mon moderators.....any tips for moderation from those of you who have tried it???


              Gonna try moderation

              Hi there renewal
              I have been following your progress - is it a month already since you joined - wow that went fast and bloody well done you. I have been moderating for July after 60 days more or less AF/NF.
              I have had only one minor slip really and that was more cigarette related rather than stricly an AL slip - like LVT I am also off the fags so my mod situation is probably a slightly different scenario to your own. Seems some of us drinker/smokers are quite lucky as without the double whammy of the nicotine hit there is not much desire to drink although if you go over the moderation limit then the cig desire kicks in so you gotta be vigilant. Having said that moderation has not been that hard for me as I was a binge drinker rather than a daily drinker and as such the 60 days got rid of the binge habit. Most people who try moderating have different strategies depending on their own particular habits and triggers and what might work for me might not work for you. My main thing is that I never buy any take away alcohol and I never have any in the house. I only have/buy a drink if I am out socially and then I make sure that I eat. So far (other than recently when I forgot to have something to eat) it is working very well. I have had a couple of drinks quite a few times whilst I have been out and have been more than happy with one or two and stopping after that. The lack of nicotine does help here though I must admit as if I had a cig I know I would just go mad and drink for Ireland and be back to square one.
              Hope this helps.
              BH no more


                Gonna try moderation

                Hi, I've been modding quite successfully for over 6 months now. I want to stress though, its not been easy for me and feels more like a restraining order rather than moderation - at the moment I'm still not at the stage were I can take it or leave it. I find myself avoiding situations to avoid slip ups, for example I made an excuse recently to avoid a works do in May. I have already abstained from AL twice (first for 50 days and then 40 days) and probably need to do another stint to kill off that obsession!!! I just know that even now if there's a crate of beer or a bottle of vodka in my house, I'll just drink and drink (because it's there). My ground rules are to have no AL in the house, no drinking before 8.30pm and only buy what I'm going to drink. I try and have 3 AF days a week because I don't want to be drinking everyday (as I know it will just spiral out of control again) but I struggle sticking to this - I can only manage 2 days out of the 3 at the moment!!! Anyway I wish you the best of success in your plans, keep us posted!
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  Gonna try moderation

                  I was alcohol free for 2 weeks and have been moderately drinking for 2 weeks and I plan to continue. Basically I save the times when I drink for "occasions" and I have not drank 2 days in a row. I'm usually alcohol free for 4-5 days between drinking days. For me knowing that I have a drinking day coming up really helps me stay alcohol free on the other days. I often wish I could drink when I'm not supposed to but it passes. I do have to be careful now because my tolerance has lowered and it's easier to wake up hung over.


                    Gonna try moderation

                    Great input....I really appreciate you all taking the time. Today is day 30, so I've gotta have a gameplan real quick here....any input helps....thanks again,


                      Gonna try moderation

                      renewal...are you ready to mod? I wonder, for you seem really interested in drinking...." I've gotta have a gameplan real quick here...." As a modder, I have found if my craving is REALLY bad, I shouldn't drink that night for it will go south....real quick!
                      Have you read RJ's you know what I mean when I say a beer should be like a cracker? If you haven't read it , I strongly suggest you do...
                      Just be careful, modding can be a slippery slope......
                      good luck


                        Gonna try moderation

                        Hi Renewal, Following your progress. I've tried the mod thing after 10 AF days with MWO, 30 AF days w/o MWO and now trying again to go 24 AF fully incorporating the MWO daily. Only 24 as opposed to 30 because of a trip. Fell back into nightly drinking habit rather fast without the help of MWO. Anyhow, I plan on not drinking at home unless we have a special occasion. I also plan on sipping and enjoying no more than two drinks in three hours and only toward the end of the week. I'm watching your post for suggestions from long term moderators as well. keke


                          Gonna try moderation

                          Renewal, I think the book recommends 90 days AF before going Mod. I went 90 days AF and began Mods. a couple of weeks far so good. LOL IAD.
                          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                          Dr. Seuss


                            Gonna try moderation

                            Hi renewal,
                            Many of us have tried mods, myself included.......I failed with distinction!!! lol
                            However, there are several successful long-term moderators here who will offer you positive advice as regards controlling your drinking.

                            I wish you success with whichever way forward you choose from here.

                            Darling x
                            Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                              Gonna try moderation

                              Hi Renewal

                              Been watching your progress with interest. You joined after me - I completed 31 days somewhere round 3/4 July and have been moderating for month of July but as from today I'm going for another 30 days AF. My habit is a bottle of wine every night. This month I've more than halfed my alcohol intake which I guess overall takes me within acceptable units BUT . . . . my head has suffered. I don't know my *rse from my elbow. I've enjoyed the drinking but not too good coping with it mentally. I was happier in the morning, felt better, weighed less and was much better company when I wasn't drinking and I think that's what's getting me. SO I've decided to go another 30 days so I don't have this inner turmoil. Whatever you decide good luck - you've done really well and I'd love to hear how you get on.

                              Short term goal 7 days AF

