Hey everyone :new:
Ive been lurking as you call it for 6 days now...found this website when I was searching for ideas to help me control my drinking a bit.
I think it is amazing!
I went 4 days A/F then had two small wines with dinner last night and plan to have the same tonight (its the weekend here)
My goal is to leave drinking till the weekend (unless there is a special occasion during the week - at which i will try to have no more than 2 drinks max)
Then depending on what I have planned for the weekend - go from there.(Although I really want to stay at 3 drinks max - as its SO great not feeling hungover!)
I am like a few of you here....I cannot seem to stop at 1 or 2 drinks so I would just rather not start during the week at all. I usually drink up to a bottle of wine a night during the week and that plus more on the weekends......So going 4 days A/F then sipping away at two small glasses last night was a big accomplishment for me and I am proud
All youre posts and advise have really helped me and inspired me!!...Ive ordered the L-Glut and hopefully it will arrive soon, so am looking foward to starting that too
Thanks so much for listening - am looking foward to getting to know you all