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August 6th Daily Thread

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    August 6th Daily Thread

    I know it's mid-day and some folks have posted today on yesterday's thread, so be sure to read there too . . .

    But just wanted to welcome everybody to Wednesday mods and say check in if you want, we're all here.

    I am feeling GREAT about my recommittment to my goals: I know it's not the Topo yet, it's my attitude. I just feel more at peace with the decision to stick with the program I initially set up for myself.

    For the past few weeks I've been reconsidering whether I wanted to be more relaxed, not counting days or drinks, just going with the flow. I'd noticed that some on mods choose to drink more often, or perhaps a bit more than me, but also that some drink a lot less often than me.
    So I feel that after 6 mo. it was OK to reconsider whether I wanted be more flexible and whether I wanted (needed) to continue the Topa. But it feels good to have decided.


    August 6th Daily Thread

    Hi Ask and thanks for getting us started today (or tonight here in the UK!). You sound in a good place having made your recommitment!! One things for sure is that we have to do whats right for ourselves, no-one else.

    I too feel at some kind of peace with myself - I'm not letting alcohol have that hold on me it once had and thats a good feeling. So much has happened over the last few years with my family, especially this last year losing Dad, and my mam's alcoholism but I think, I really do think, I'm starting to get my life back......

    best wishes,

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      August 6th Daily Thread

      Janie, I couldn't have put it better - could have written your post myself!

      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        August 6th Daily Thread

        Just checking in this evening . . . Hi to Janie: thanks for your post. I can testify having met you that you are a good giving person, and I'm glad you're feeling good about yourself. It shows!

        Hi Janice: guess I didn't notice you were in the UK (not too observant, huh?) . Guess that means you're first up and can start us off tomorrow, OK :-).



