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So Far--So Good!

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    So Far--So Good!

    Well, it's Day 8, and I've had one beer and one glass of white wine--no cravings. That sounds like modding to me. It will be interesting to see how long I can keep it up. I really, really want this thing to work. Never tried anything which required me to redirect my energy so completely. I hope I won't just say f--- it and buy a bottle of wine one day. That has been my pattern in the past. The difference is, I did not have MWO before. Truly, the support on these boards has saved me and inspired me. Thank you all. Kay

    So Far--So Good!

    HI Kay: Good for you on the 8 days you describe! Sounds good. Had you done an AF period prior to this? Do you have a plan for moderation: how often, how much, etc?

    Sounds like you've identified your mostly likely downfall is: buying a bottle of wine. One of my favorite people at MWO here reminds us all that the decision to drink (in our case, more than you intend - or a whole bottle of wine) has many smaller decisions . . . so it might be helpful to think through what you would do if tempted to buy a bottle of wine. .

    First you have to get yourself to agree it's OK. What's a STOP strategy?

    Then you have to drive to the store.

    Then you have to go into the store.

    And buy a bottle of wine.

    And drive home, open it and pour.

    At each of these steps you CAN change your mind and stick with your intent not to buy and drink a bottle of wine. But once you've opened a bottle and had one glass of wine (if you are used to drinking the whole bottle) it's pretty likely you're going to be tempted to drink the whole bottle.

    SO: a strategy might be no wine in the house until you've moderated for a certain number of months. I read someone waited a year. I waited 7 months, and still have to keep wine out of the house sometimes.

    Anyway: good luck on your journey. Keep racking up those AF days . . . it's part of a modder's life! and we'll look forward to seeing you on the boards.



      So Far--So Good!

      Hi Ask: Thanks for your reply. I have no intention of having any alcohol in the house at all (although there has been beer for the last week. Beer has never been my weakness). My husband, although he means well, seems to be sabotaging my efforts. I had no intention or desire to drink last night, but he waltzed in with a bottle of Shiraz. I had made a delicious meal, and of course had a glass of the wine with it. If he had not bought that bottle, I would have had another AF night. I did only have one glass and really didn't want another so he polished off the bottle. I jokingly told him he was "making out on this deal." I want to be AF for the most part, but I also want to be able to have an occasional cocktail or glass of wine. I don't ever want to drink during the day again or alone again, and I don't want to get hammered and forget what I did. I don't want to drown my sorrows in alcohol. If and when something happens (and it will), I hope I will have the strength and fortitude to face it head on without the numbing effects of alcohol. Thanks again for your support. I intend to be here for a very long time. All the best. Kay


        So Far--So Good!

        KTB ---- just read your post, and I am feeling like you. I too want to be able to enjoy a couple of glasses of wine, but not go anywhere near what I was like before. Since Sept. 1 I've had 2 days where I drank, and it did end up being more than I would have liked. However, on those 2 days I did give myself permission to drink ... it wasn't like an unintended slip. But I would like to have more AF days like I've been doing, but not deny myself it altogether. I'm the opposite re having it in the house though.... if there isn't any wine, I obsess about "what if I really want a glass?" .... as long as the bottle isn't opened, I seem to be comfortable just knowing it's there. It was the same when I quit smoking many, many years ago. I kept a pack in the house, but never ended up smoking again.... eventually I was able to through the pack out, because for one thing they were stale and for the other, I was truly over ever wanting a cigarette. That was about 20 years ago.


          So Far--So Good!

          hi K T,your wrong, you did , DRINKING,your doin great,recognition , YOU mite have a problem,dang i hate when i try to be a philosifer,doc gyco, hahhha,you found a great site,lots of know how,just dont go away gycooooooooooooooops slow and easy

