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Trying the Mod Road

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    Trying the Mod Road


    How do you drink three bottles a day? Are you not working every day? Or do you have that much when you come home?

    Just my opinion, anything you can do to cut back is good. Start later, water drinks down. Have the wine mixed with soda if you have white. Stay around people who you are less likely to drink in front of.

    Three bottles is going to be so hard on your body. It would be good to get advice from someone here who has tapered down from that amount.Maybe you could do a post on general about that? Tapering down from big quantities of alcohol would be subject?



      Trying the Mod Road

      Oh, yes.. I think alcohol is definitely running my life... or maybe ruining it, might be a more apt way of describing it.
      I DO need to address the issues why I drink.
      I KNOW why I do.. it's because I cant handle being in a relationship. I get scared of everythign turning sour.
      Ironic thing is, Im probably turning him away by being like this.
      self-fulfilling prophecy maybe
      ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


        Trying the Mod Road

        nancy;418460 wrote: Chelle
        How do you drink three bottles a day? Are you not working every day? Or do you have that much when you come home?
        very easily.
        TOO easily.
        I work part time.. only on the mornings.. so Im home at midday, and the first thing i do is open a bottle, and continue drinking until i go to bed.
        ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


          Trying the Mod Road


          Can you get something elsee to do during that period? can you take a class? Something productive-- volunteer work? I don't know if that is possible for you. Do you have kids?

          It really sounds like you have too much time on your hands and getting yourself out and around people would do you some good.



            Trying the Mod Road

            nancy;418496 wrote: Chelle

            Can you get something elsee to do during that period? can you take a class? Something productive-- volunteer work? I don't know if that is possible for you. Do you have kids?

            It really sounds like you have too much time on your hands and getting yourself out and around people would do you some good.

            Yes, I have one son - he's 13 now. My life has been built around him and now that he's a teenager and spending less and less time with me, I feel a bit surplus to requirements.. so to speak.
            I did go to university between 1998-2003... now have two degrees One a BSc and the other A Master's degree.

            I would love to work with animals.. so I might look into voluntary work with the RSPCA or local kennels..
            ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


              Trying the Mod Road

              Wow that is such a great idea. You are well-educated and interested in a cause. Much better to find something fulfilling for that time than drinking. My advice is: Look into this ASAP.


                Trying the Mod Road

                i used to work at a rehoming kennels. Hard rewarding work but also heartbreaking. So worthwhile though
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Trying the Mod Road

                  Dearest Chelle,It takes trial and error to find out what works for you.I know that it did,for me,anyway.I would came to a place that I was just tooo tired to fight,so I would give in and drink for awhile.Then I would get sick of being sick and would stop.Back and forth,back and forth.It was very hard on my Mind,Body and soul.Many times I said (it's no use,I just can't do this).Then last May,i woke up one morning and decided that either I was gonna kill myself or I was gonna stop drinking.I asked for help from here and they saved my life.I don't know how to repay that debt,except that I know I want to be there for others.Please know that I am there,for you.
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Trying the Mod Road

                    I remember reading an article about healthy models who stayed thin. They didn't deny themselves fattening food items entirely, they just had 1 bite of it! So, 1 piece of a chocolate bar or 1 scoop of ice-cream. That one bite/piece satisfied them psychologically because they weren't totally denying themselves from having the forbidden.
                    Everyone has a different walk here. I believe some folks HAVE to go AF and know that up front or dis-
                    cover that they need to when modding doesn't work. But I do believe some can mod and be totally fine with it.
                    Maybe for you the total denying yourself the AL makes you focus on it more and more and maybe trying to mod would work. Read some of the posts here of advice the modders are given to each other as to how they're meeting their goals.
                    If you'd ever like to talk personally, email me privately or if you catch me online same time as you maybe we can go on the chat board.
                    Good luck. Would love to help you in any way possible.

                    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                    ~Jack Welsh~:h

                    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                      Trying the Mod Road


                      Hipps made a very good point that bears repeating - modding is all about being like the real deal - a real, honest-to-goodness social drinker. That would be those "lucky" individuals that can enjoy a drink or not, no big deal. They don't get drunk because that's not enjoyment, and it doesn't occur to them. AL is like butter - tasty, but not likely to lead to a problem. If one glass of wine leads to another and then another and we feel helpless to stop the runaway train, then drinking has crossed into the problem zone. That took me a long time to honestly square with.

                      I am quite angry at your Dr. who told you to just stop drinking. That's like telling an anorexic to just eat. In order to get from 3 bottles a day to either a mod or AF person, there needs to be a plan that includes physical and emotional support. Meds help. Supps help. Hynotherapy helps. Exercise, diet, this site and your personal support system all help. Put these together with your personal determination, which is remarkable - lesser souls would have thrown in the towel if they didn't get "instant" results - and there's no stopping you. I started on Campral under a dr.'s supervision over a year ago and it helped immensely get me away from my heavy drinking. But it was not enough. The MWO program helped me get from 2nd to 3rd base, and now time will tell if I make it to home plate. I will tell you that my new habits - practiced over these last 3 months - are starting to stick and the head games are getting so much quieter.

                      I didn't mean to go on and on with some lame lecture on modding. I just have felt your struggle so many times I was about to give up and accept I was beyond help. It was only after medication was available that I felt I had a real shot at finally getting the beast to stop overtaking my life. If your Dr. won't help, help yourself. And you know that no matter what happens, the shepherds here will be more than happy to play with the sheep. You are so worth it. Just ask anyone here. :h



                        Trying the Mod Road

                        That was a beautiful post, Vera-b. I am just adding this, in case nobody else did, about that business with the so-called doctor: Chelle, how about getting an appointment with a different doc? Of course that won't necessarily guarantee that the new one will be understanding... but if you have a major university medical center nearby, I would see if you could find someone there who specializes in Family Practice. And/or a D.O. instead of an M.D. would be a good idea, if that's possible for you.



                          Trying the Mod Road

                          The only thing my doctor said when I went back for a third time was to contact a local 'drug abuse' group. I phoned them and they asked which drugs as well as alcohol what I was hooked on.. I said it was alcohol alone.. they seemed to kind of sigh and said that they would put me on the waiting list and someone would get back to me in a week's time (that was nearly 2 months ago). I phoned them back and they said they had more "needy" people to deal with...
                          I suppose by 'needy' they mean people who are addicted to alcohol as well as heroin/cocaine or something. So, yes, I can sympathise with those people needing help.. but surely in this 21st century I can get med help/counselling from SOMEWHERE?
                          Apart from you guys on this forum, it really makes me feel like people dont give a s*** about alcoholics and consider them an embarrassment and not worthy of treating.
                          Sorry for the rant.. Im just narked by the whole lack of care in this medical "service"...
                          ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                            Trying the Mod Road

                            Hey Chelle,

                            I also work half day and used to start drinking from any time after 2pm (once I had picked my daughter , also 13 up). On my way home I would have a taste in my mouth that if I didn't have a drink there and then then it would just drive me bezerk - I now recognise it as a horrible craving.

                            When I joined MWO I went mod for 3 months with the help of the supps and Topa. I cut back from 2lts of wine a day all the way to 1 glass a day. It was only after doing those 3 months that I then went AF for 30 days... lol it has lasted a bit longer than 30 now but my point I'm getting to is that it's not necessarily the right way to do the program but it was what worked for me.

                            I really hope you do find a Doc that will sympathise and support you as it has been such an important part of my journey and it does help to have a Doc on your side:-)
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              Trying the Mod Road

                              Hi Chelle,

                              Just wanted you to know I'm pulling for you. Noticed you're in the UK and I seem to recall that someone earlier had said that unless you're a basket case it's hard to get help. Do you feel you can order meds or supps from this site? I have not done that myself so cannot offer any first hand experience - perhaps others can. I'll be square here in your corner.



                                Trying the Mod Road

                                Cant believe this is the first time i have read this thread and been on the mods section. Guess i was scared that i would see something that the alcoholic part of my brain would latch onto and id be off again!
                                Anyways, a very good thread with lots of points that are a great help.
                                Is there anyway to change your doc Chelle? The campral cert helps with the cravings, and i got that off my doc. It doent interfere with the fluoxitine.
                                Here in newport we have something called GAP(Gwent Alcohol Project). It a free service that offers you an hour every 2 weeks to speak to one of there volunteers about your problems. Its been a great help to me. Is there anything like this where you are?
                                To Infinity And Beyond!!

