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It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

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    It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

    Greetings, all--

    I so miss the daily mods thread. Anyone else interested in helping get it going STRONG again?

    Here's where I'm at: scary year, a lot of close (not drinking related) scrapes in every area of my life. Now I'm drinking more than ever. I never get drunk. I just drink to neutralize pain and, therefore, carry a "buzz" around with me a little too much.

    Back in the days, there were a bunch of funny, smart, kind loyalists who posted here every day. Then they suddenly went away. Now mods mostly seems to be word games which are fun but, at least for me, not enough. Maybe my old friends are writing only on the membership forums which I cannot join. I hope that they are all okay.

    As for me, I'm just a mom who works and works in an effort to keep our home and to pay for family medical care. I love animals and have too many. I previously traveled a lot, read voraciously, published occasionally and hung out with a group of friends who, for professional reasons, have largely left the city where we all once lived. Somehow, my mischievous sense of humor has survived. That helps!

    I know that some people have changed their avatars and names. Being a very visual person that might have confused me into thinking some old friends are no longer around. Maybe I need to be "cued in" to these changes.

    It's now time to make new friends and to see if anyone else would like to restart the daily mods thread. It's hard to express how helpful it was to me a couple of years ago.

    I wish everyone a joyous day!


    It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

    Now I'm really feeling lonely! Plus, I can't even get the damn Italics function to work anymore . . .



      It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

      Hi Eustacia....know what you mean. I tried mods in June after my 120 days AF, and tried the daily mods thread. I drifted off as there wasn't a lot of regular posting and then I didn't know where I belonged so I end up staying away from MWO!! I've come back today but decided mods is not for me, I need to be AF.

      Good luck........Janicexxx
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

        Please join us on the AF Army thread. We are almost always on and post tons of fun stuff and recipes!
        LTG AF January 13, 2011


          It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

          Hi Eustacia, welcome back (I just got here 2 months ago). I hope your old friends re-surface and/or you find some new modding buddies! The "italics" thingie is right at the top of the reply box, just highlight the text and click on it...

          LTG I don't think she's looking for an AF thread...



            It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

            You are welcome in the peace corp...It is for Mods and AF..
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

              New start

              Hi Eustacia! I'm new here and lonely too and looking for other MODS to check in with. Am ready for a new start today after a weekend that was challenging thanks to AL. Blessings to you.
              Toughen up!


                It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

                Hi Eustacia: I am new and hoping to be a successful modder. Doing all the supplements, the hypnotherapy (most of it), and the topomax (up to 100 mg per day). Trying to incorporate exercise as well. Doing pretty well so far. Sleeping much better which was a huge problem for me. :welcome: Kay


                  It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

                  Welcome to the newbies and returnees.

                  The advice I keep offerng is: try using drink Tracker. Without this data, it is difficult for you to know your patterns, and unwanted increases are way too easy. I wish had started keeping track as soon as I decided to moderate. That was after 2.5 months AF beginning in January.

                  My goal now is to continue to reduce the number of drinks, and the number of days I drink from what I did in August. I would like to be a social drinker, max of 2 drinks per week. I'm pretty close to but not quite "there".
                  My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                    It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

                    Hi Eustacia! Just wanted to pop in and say HELLO!. I think there has been a lot of 'change' on the forum of late. Maybe that's just my perspective though. Don't fret we're still here if you need to talk. Guess I can't talk for everyone though as I'm not a modder!!. Hope you're doing well with your goals though in that department.

                    Love and Happiness
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

                      Hi Eustacia, good to see you. Hippie is right and there have been many changes, but it's so good to hear you are doing well. Did you ever get those renovations finished?
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

                        hello, I am a mother of a 28 year old alcoholic, and bulimic. She showed up on our doorstep a week ago saying she "means it this time" (getting better, stop drinking) How do we know she means it this time? Are there signs to look for??


                          It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

                          Hi Mom,
                          I don't really know how you can tell she means it. Many of us here got up many mornings saying we were done, and then drank again at the next opportunity. If you can tell her that you believe her, support her and love her, that will help. Also understand that quitting is difficult, and many people periodically backslide. Ask her what her goal is, and what strategies she is using to get there. She needs support. Encourage her to come here or go for counseling. We are delightful people here, from every walk of life. We can offer her strategies. You can't do it for her.
                          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                            It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

                            Hello Mom,

                            Perhaps you can direct your daughter to this site where we can offer her support if she's interested. There are many tools in the MWO toolbox that may help.

                            And Eustacia, there are many of us that floundered all over the MWO site this summer trying to figure out where we "belong." I was "going down the list" from just starting out and never had the time to get too far down the list. Then, the "boink" hit my head (amazing what sobriety will do for ya) and I realized I could find places where I fit, and this section is one of them. I always check in the the daily ODAT thread in just starting out and make sure I get to monthly mod. I don't get on until evening as I have a day job and can't get on until later. Will be happy to journey with you.



                              It's Monday the 22nd and I'm lonely

                              Hi E.
                              I don't think we've corresponded yet. Click on my name to read some posts. Janice and I have the same avatar so don't get confused. I personally don't want to change my avatar as some people from before know me with this avatar. I don't like the fact that people change avatars (but that's just my opinion). It's easy to remember folks based on the avatar so changing them could get confusing.
                              I'm a returnee but didn't post much when I first joined and didn't stick around for long. Big mistake as I discovered I really need the support here.
                              Explain the daily thread. Were folks posting about daily struggles so there were a lot of new posts each day? I'm noticing there aren't a lot of new ones. I'm in on posting more.
                              I've been meeting my goals since Sept 2. Have a big challenge coming up though. A long week-end out of state meeting relatives. They're controlled drinkers but it's a 4 day trip and I'm used to drinking daily on vacations. During the week I usually only drink on week-ends with an occasional 1 day a week if I have a business dinner (or meet with my one bad - but I love her) - girlfriend who likes to have wine with lunch.
                              I'm an animal lover too and absolutely love to read and write. P.M. me if you want to as well as post publicly.
                              Looking forward to getting to know folks here better as I feel fairly new too!
                              Vera-B: what's the ODAT? Thanks!
                              "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                              ~Jack Welsh~:h

                              God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

