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It's Thursday the 25th . . . already

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    It's Thursday the 25th . . . already

    Hello Modsters,

    So what's new in your life?

    I just read some of the later responses to my Monday post and I was grateful to find that there are still some people interested in moderation. Most of you, I don't know, and so . . . GREETINGS! I hope to get to know you better.

    Last night was a rough night for me. I had an 8 a.m. meeting where I knew I would have to be functioning at a high level, and my night owl tendency was operating at full force. Around five, I woke my husband and asked him to drag me out of the bed at seven should I fall asleep and then went into the kitchen where there was an open bottle of Shiraz. I so badly wanted to pour myself a glass because wine is the one thing that I can count on to knock myself out. But I didn't. I ate some yogurt instead and the last time I saw the clock before drifting off, it was already six. I said some mildly dumb things in the meeting but I didn't drink the wine. So is this a victory, or not??? :nutso:

    Anyway, I hope that everyone will find some joy today and have at least one good laugh!


    It's Thursday the 25th . . . already

    Yeah, the wine was a good excuse for all the dumb things we have done in our lives. Problem is, we still do dumb things. Ah well...

    I think for most, alcohol does make you fall asleep, but you don't sleep well. I used to wake with the sweats, loose BM's if I drank too much, all that. Don't miss it a bit.

    Tomorrow eve I will share a nice Oregon Pinot Noir with a friend. I gave it to her a few weeks ago for her birthday, with a hint that I would enjoy sharing if she wanted some company. She knows that my drinking is usually limited to one day per week now. I only have a few close friends with whom I used to share too much wine, now it is less. They all know my limited alcohol status. It is great to have true friends like this, not just drinking buddies.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      It's Thursday the 25th . . . already

      I just wanted to say "HELLO, E!" Nice to see you around the boards again.


        It's Thursday the 25th . . . already

        Hello --- I haven't posted here much because I was still trying to sort myself out as to goals. I think now that I will strive for moderating, but keeping many more days AF. When we're out for dinner or have real occassions to enjoy a drink, I'd like to be able to do that. .... but no more "well, I cleaned the house, let's open a bottle of wine!" That kind of thinking has to go. I'm on my 4th day AF (again), and after each stint of a few days AF there'd be a time when I'd want to have a glass of wine when there was a special dinner. However, when I did and knew that I'd have to start counting from day 1 again, I'd think, well, you might as well finish the bottle, because you've spoiled your AF run. I'd like to consider counting Sober days instead. If I can enjoy a couple of glasses, remain sober and then go AF for days after that ... I'll consider it a HUGE success in my control over AL.


          It's Thursday the 25th . . . already

          Hi E and all,

          You were a major SUCCESS!!!! I think any time we turn down the opportunity, even if we wouldn't have gotten drunk, we grow a little stronger. I think it also keeps our systems from getting used to the AL once again.

          And New Day, sounds like you're doing well. I agree that if you think of a drink as the spoiler to an AF run, it can lead to overdoing. I'm thinking of the old fashioned diets that were quite strict. Yes, you would lose weight on them, but most did not keep it off. The newer diets often include a small amount of "forbidden foods" to keep the dieter from feeling deprived. Better to enjoy a single piece of cake than to eat the whole thing because you think you've blown it. But at the end of the day, we just have to keep paying attention so that it doesn't slyly creep up on us which we all know king AL is quite capable of doing!


