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drank again after 9 days AF

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    drank again after 9 days AF

    Back on Track

    Thanks for post AWIP. Appreciate your support and the advice very much.
    And Frances.....great, let's go for it....30 days. We are going to an election supper that friends have hosted for over 20 years and I have never NOT had anything to drink at this party, but plan on sipping Sprite or diet tonic the whole time. At least one of the husbands there never drinks, so I will not be alone, not that that should make a difference.
    I think I'm on a slippery slope and must stop for 30 days. I'm not saying I'll never drink again, but I am becoming like a friend of mine who told my husband that she quit because she didn't want a glass or two of wine, she wanted the whole bottle.
    My husband is not overweight and does not have any serious health problems, but he likes his cocktails every night. He drinks, then eats and watches tv or reads or works on the computer. If I drink 2 glasses of wine I don't want to eat and end up drinking waaaaay too much. It's just a bad habit, as I (we) almost never drink during the day or into the wee hours. Our friends all drink, with a few exceptions, but I think that I was drinking more and more and more at one stretch. Alternating with glasses of water wasn't helping, either.
    So, I will try for total abstinence for the next 30 days, looking toward moderation eventually. May not be possible.
    It will be so helpful to have a buddy. I have told 2 girlfriends that I'd like to stop for a while and they were super supportive.


      drank again after 9 days AF

      i agree, wip, it is a matter of completely changing a habit, which is a difficult thing to imagine being successful at. On the other hand, I'm thinking as long as I can moderate and not have the slips then that may be OK. At the moment, not caring about drinking, not thinking about it and when I can, and how much, etc. seems to be a very difficult and honestly, unlikely, prospect. I'd love to be there though. That would be so nice, to have NOT drinking be the habit, and if a glass of wine comes up with a special meeal or occasion, then I"d like to be able to enjoy that. I'm excited and hopeful and agree that without at least 30 days AF, the habit of NOT having a glass of wine rather than having one will not get put in place. I love the support here, it's so great just to talk things through with others!

