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Reality Check with the Drinktracker

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    Reality Check with the Drinktracker

    Had unexpected things happen where I drank more this week than usual although I was always in total control. Thought I'd have 1 nice glass of wine on Wed to count for my 1 out of 3 nights to drink (saving Fri & Sat). Then had an unexpected celebration on Thurs and had 2 glasses and then an offer of 1 glass of superior quality wine with dinner tonight.

    I have to admit, I HATED posting all of that though! Really makes me look at it and not really like what I see and makes me feel the need to be A.W.A.R.E. so that this doesn't become a pattern.

    Love the drinktracker but hate having to be honest at times. But I'm here to be honest.
    Anyway, had a lovely 1 glass of wine with my BFF who I usually get blitzed the point that our kids hated to see us get together because of the drunken nights we always have but that's had now. Bye bye to those I still feel like a winner!
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

    Reality Check with the Drinktracker

    hi eve11 you just said it your AWARE of what it,as i call it the beast can do,congrats your recognising ,way to go if i new how to do fire works like all those other geniuses on here you deserve them gyco


      Reality Check with the Drinktracker

      Good for you, Eve!! I think the drinktracker is one of the very best features of MWO; keeping oneself accountable in a public way, and just the act of recording drinks consumed, are two extremely helpful methods of reducing any kind of problem behavior, including alcohol consumption. It's fantastic that you are feeling "like a winner"!

      When I first got to MWO I was planning to use it to help me in my abstinence goal, but I never could sign on to the thing... there is some kind of glitch in it, apparently, that keeps some people from signing in.



        Reality Check with the Drinktracker

        Hi Eve,
        Good for you to keep honest. If not, just what are we all doing here?! Then once you're honest, you can deal with it.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

