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Zed ain't dead... as yet

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    Zed ain't dead... as yet

    So, needless to say, I have tried abstinense and moderation before. Many times. I have been drinking for years now. I'm not that old. 33 a few days ago. But old enough that it's been over a decade of heavy boozing.

    Recently it's gotten nuts. I mean, it's always been nuts. It got more nuts.

    Funnily, I feel as if it's been OKAY and under control. But maybe it isn't. I feel a few extra kgs on me around the gut. That's irritating but nothing a few extra layers doesn't help one forget about in the winter.

    But the truth that I know inside... is that it is not OK. I am not 23 anymore. And if I keep at this pace, then I don't know. Something has got to give.

    The same story. Broken wings, a messy end to a very pathetic relationship to someone I gave my heart absolutely to, and got it shat on. Same stuff. But you know what, it's been almost a year now. I have moved on, in another relationship... but still can't shake the last one. The last GF lives in the city I live in presently. The new GF is another city (long distance for now)... which is screwed up as you can see.

    Anyway. It's been a bottle a night. For a long time. Wine. Nornally red. I actually prefer to drink alone.

    That says it all right there. That says it all.

    I'm a total and complete mess.

    And tomorrow morning, after finishing all the wine in the house today, I WILL wean off. Don't really know what the plan is. But I have thought about this at some level for so long... that I have a plan.

    The plan is to get better. That's the plan. To feel better. About myself. To look better. To wake up better. To sleep better. To eat better. To breathe better.

    This is my plan.

    It's going to have to be common sense. The life I live, I have to be practical, won't allow me to go on the wagon fully. I have friends, family... it's what we do. We have a drink every so often. I even do so with my parents. It's nice.

    So the plan will be this:

    - Eat healthy - 3 square meals, breakfast (fruit, anything really... but no bacon and less cheese). Lunch - a sandwich sure why not. Maybe rice. One helping. Dinner - light.
    - Exercise - 45 minutes of walking. Some presses for the old torso, gut and arms. Just light toning stuff, nothing heavy. But consistent going forward.
    - Sleep - 8 hours
    - Breathing and stretching - 20 minutes (10 in the morning after waking and showering, 10 before sleeping)
    - Drinking - on the wagon until someone asks me out for a drink. Hopefully that won't be for a few days. A couple of days... and then, a 2 drink maximum limit until the next BIG celebration/ holiday/ family, friends gathering... when it's going to be a 4 drink maximum. These should be rare. One a month at most. And the 2 drinks thing twice a week at most after a couple of weeks of really low-intake. Almost nothing for a while.

    Let's see how it goes. I'm practical as you can see. Comes with age. But I'm damn serious.

    I can't be on the verge of tears half of the time... and the other half... feeling happy for a drink.

    I'm more than this. It's time.

    Ok, late here. Goodnight all.

    Be strong. I will be too.

    Have a great Sunday.

    Zed ain't dead... as yet

    zed, welcome, and we're glad you aren't dead yet! And it's great that you are developing a plan. I am wondering: have you read the MWO book? It might give you some more ideas about what to expect as you work on putting the elements of your plan into place, about nutrition, supplements, hypnotherapy, and moderate drinking.

    I hope you will find a regular thread, or a couple of them, where you can read about the experiences of others, and post about your progress. There is a weekly thread called Mod Mob (?) or something like that, that I am sure would welcome you. You probably also want to use the Drink Tracker. It's a great tool.

    best wishes,



      Zed ain't dead... as yet

      Hey there zed
      Well done, you obviously sussed out how to start a thread!
      You've given this a lot of thought & have decided to make changes. Goodfor you! This is a great place to start & I just wanted to welcome you & wish you every success. Just watch the welcomes & advice roll in!


        Zed ain't dead... as yet


        I strongly recommend you read the My Way Out Book. Your plan sounds wonderful and healthy! I'm a wine drinker, too, and know the grip it can have. I drink chardonnay. I was drinking until I blacked out. MWO has helped me tremendously. I'm 47 and wish I had your wisdom at 33. But, there's no looking back and I take things one day at a time.

        I wish you luck, keep us posted :l

        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          Zed ain't dead... as yet

          Hi Zed,

          Welcome. I'm with those guys--reading the book will help with your plan. You can download it from here or buy a hard copy. One thing I learned the hard way was that a period of abstinence (30 days or longer) will REALLY help with this. It's hard--but I believe makes the whole process easier in the long run. I went from drinking 10-12 beers almost every night and more on the weekends, to having a few (4-6) if I feel like it with friends. Which has only been 3 times since June. The last time I drank was over a month ago. My husband still drinks plenty, but I just don't have the urge anymore. Just not worth it.
          I started with most all of the supplements RJ recommends, and the cd's and an exercise plan, but no meds.
          I just turned 48, and wish I would have done this at your age!!:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            Zed ain't dead... as yet

            Hey Wip, Gold & Becoming...

            thanks all for the warmth. Already I feel welcome and I will be back here often. Will deffie keep you updated on progress at my end.

            Becoming... Blacking out. Oh lord. I have a few (couple of dozen) stories for ya. To make you feel better..! But seriously, thanks. And yes, it's never too late. We're all walking down different roads with different backgrounds, experiences, stories.... yet we find ourselves on the same road! Good luck to you too.

            Wip.. I am PROUD of you. And that's a great quote!

            Gold... thanks again.

            Kind regards and solidarity.


              Zed ain't dead... as yet

              Cheers LVT25... I will look out for the book next time I'm on here. Which shld be tomrrow! Comes highly recommended already so I'll definitely make it a point to read.

              Have a good weekend and take very good care of yourself. Yeah I know what you mean.. I've been known to drink a bottle of wine BEFORE going out for an evening of drinking... and when I reach my friends.. they all think I'm sober. Age defies experience. It's been a decade and a half of hard boozing for me already. But yes, I appreciate that if I can fix this now, I will be doing myself a BIG favour early. Thank the good universe I managed to kick smoking already.

              Cheers you guys.


                Zed ain't dead... as yet

                And oh yeah. for the record. the last time I tried this was September 1st. I said I'd go off it for a month - until Sept 30th.

                I lasted until Sept 2nd... :goodjob:

                holy moley.

                anyway, tomorrow's a new day


                  Zed ain't dead... as yet

                  Nov 2nd.
                  Slept like a baby last night. Like the dead actually. Just what I needed. Woke up 11 hours later feeling good. Showered, stretched, a bit of the news. Walked out to pick up brunch, rice and soup and salad. Very happy about that. A real big lunch and some salad left over for dinner. Perfect.

                  Watched a movie. Laughed.

                  Sunday. Now it's 3.30PM. This is where the trouble starts...

                  So the choice is... go out for a walk.. (it's a beautiful late-Autumn day here) or hit the treadmill. Owing to the day, I think it's going to have to be a walk outside. But followed by the gym. Why the heck not?

                  Here we go. Then of course, comes the worst part... evening. Tough. Lets see how it works out. Need to find something to fill the hours with, that yesterday and for the past few years, have been filled with drink.

                  Signing out for now, until after some exercise.



                    Zed ain't dead... as yet

                    Zed, I remember you!

                    WIP mentioned a daily thread which is called the Mod Squad. We post there daily and help and support one another to meet their moderation goals, please come and join us if you feel that it's where you would feel comfortable.

                    We are almost the same age, i just turned 34 and I am eternally grateful that I have chosen to put a stop to AL ruining my life now before it's too late.

                    Looking forward to seeing more posts from you:-)
                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      Zed ain't dead... as yet

                      hi zed,accomplishment one,you have a great plan and tht is a start,keep threading,id like to see how it is going for you gyco


                        Zed ain't dead... as yet

                        Good going, Zed! Have you begun to develop a long-term plan, and goals? Are you still thinking you want to work on moderate drinking right away, or stopping the drinking altogether (at least for 30 days or so)? Having a plan, and definite goals, is a very important ingredient for getting what you want, right? Reading the MWO book would be helpful in getting your plan set up...



                          Zed ain't dead... as yet

                          Day 2 DONE

                          Made it. 0 today. On Day 2 that's what's called for.

                          Just wanted to check in and say that. Thanks for caring folks.

                          All the best on your Nov 2nd... and 3rds..

                          Cheers to Clear Heads!


                            Zed ain't dead... as yet

                            Great job, Zed! I see you're using Drinktracker. I can't seem to sign into it. I use the same userid and password for MWO but it says I'm invalid. Any suggestions? I'm day 1 here and plan on going to day 7 AF. Shudder...
                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                              Zed ain't dead... as yet

                              Hey there Becoming!

                              sorry for the late reply but it's been nuts at work since Monday (for once in my life, a good thing! jeez, what is the world coming to??

                              Yes, keeping track on the ol' tracker. It's a good idea.

                              That's strange that you can't sign in... I get in alright with my MWO user details... what I'd suggest is that you contact the Administrator? There must be someone on the site who is in charge of the user details and who can help you out. If you can't find a direct contact link, then I suggest just start a thread in the Starting Out forum and post the question - someone is bound to notice and answer you.

                              Day you should be on Day 2 today. Good luck with it. I am just finishing Day 3 and going strong. Hasn't been easy... Day 1 was... Day 2 wasn't... Day 3 has been a LOT of coffee... : ) But making it.

                              Be strong... 7 days... I will if you will.

                              Cheers and take good care of yourself.

