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My personal definition of moderation!

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    My personal definition of moderation!

    Despite my screen name, my goal has never really been to completely give up AL. Rather, I would like to be able to have options and know that the all or nothing approach for me usually turns out to be "all." I also know enough about myself to know that I am a rule follower.....I hate to break the rules about anything...I won't even cross the street against the light....hahaha.

    With all that in mind, I least for now...I write my own rules of moderation. While I am sure that my rules sound "too simple" to some, if they help me to keep a handle on my AL consumption, I'll be a happy camper.

    The rules are these......
    Never drink more than three days in a row. Should I drink three days in a row, they must be followed by a AF day.
    Should I choose to drink Sunday through Thursday, 2 drinks in the limit.
    Friday and Saturdays, 3 drinks in the limit, with lots of water between drinks.
    Finally, no drinking alone. Sitting down with a good book and a glass of wine has now become a good book and a cup of tea.

    I have been trying this for the past week and it seems to be working for me. Went to a friends last night....was able to stick to the 3 a day rule, while in the past I would have had three before we even sat down for dinner. I do think that I consumed close to a gallon of water though....hahaha. I never would have been able to do this before. The All or nothing would have seen me draining the wine bottle. And better still...this morning I remember every moment of the evening...something I wasn't able to do before.

    I am also very impressed with kudzu. I don't care if it really works or if it all in my mind, but it got me through the past week....enabling me to enjoy a glass of wine with dinner and still be able to say NO, thanks, when the second glass called my name.

    I realize that some will look upon my definition of moderation as "cheating" but as long as it works for me.....

    Have a great day, all.

    wannastopforreal.....maybe I should think about changing that to modforme! hahahaha

    My personal definition of moderation!

    I hope you will stop by the Long Term Moderation section. Lots of good threads there, no so much under short term for various reasons. Also, don't overlook the strategies in the toolbox thread, under monthly abstinence. These tools are outstanding for the attitude shift that needs to happen to enable long term successful moderation.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      My personal definition of moderation!

      Dear Wanna: I am with you. I will adopt most of your strategy as it sounds like it will work for me. I am tired of drinking too much but I do not want to stop. I had basically come up with the two a day during the week rule...which frequently works BUT I need accountability. I am a BIG reader and I think I will try out your tea with book idea. Best of luck to you. I will watch your progress. Last night I had 11 people over and although H and others drank much more I only had two glasses when guests were here. Ate lots also....then when they all left I had a last glass of the night with H. I could have done without it....BUT so much better than in the past where I would have had 6 or so glasses over the course of 5 hours....


        My personal definition of moderation!

        Tapering down

        Hi everyone..

        I just joined today...posted a little into.. (none of the hair raising stuff though..and there's been a lot ..but I don't want to carry all that with me)...
        I have been "quitting " since 2001 ...books CDs groups.. been there done that and got the t-shirt... I really don't want to quit at all.. it's a 50 year habit for me and the stress of abstaining and bingeing is making me (and my long suffering DH) insane.

        I spoke to my doc today who is a holistic doctor... he thought a couple of drinks a day was better than getting onto medication and wrecking my homelife.....
        So I am going to moderate...

        2 drinks a day (white wine)
        I wish everyone luck if they are suffering like I am..
        Some more... some less no doubt

        Mrs. Hare
        "If you hop and drive you're a bloody idiot"

