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Mods postings

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    Mods postings

    are there still people out there working on mods? i don't see many new posts, so wondering if i should just not bother here. as I'm new i want to find out more about how people have done when they decide to follow a moderate program, and what meds if any they've been successful with. just wondering...

    Mods postings

    Most of the threads and posts are under Long Term Moderation.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      Mods postings

      Hi irishgal & :welcome:

      In her book, RJ recommends 30 days AF before modding. So you may find poeple who intend to mod but are in the 30 AF day mode at the moment sprinkled in different threads. There is sometimes a mix in ODAT (one day at a time), newbie's nest, general. There is always good information to be had no matter what the individual's plan may be. Good luck to you!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Mods postings

        I would love to talk to you about modding...I just started as's been almost two weeks...I have been very successful---went over my set limit twice...which is only to have two beers....I had 4 beers on 2 different occasions. This is soooo different from my usual 8-12 beers a night...pretty much every night. I can TRY to answer questions for you...I have bought the book, cds, supps and am taking topamax! I LOVE IT!!!! Hope to get to know you better and wish you all the success in the world!!
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          Mods postings

          mods cont.

          Thank you all.
          Yes, sdlovespackers (hmm?) let's compare/contrast. shall we call it 'mods' go marching on? I am only on day 4; I too have rules something like yours, for wine. I was way off for a year or two or more, and am very motivated. I am doing what you said with naltrexone. I notice already the craving/brain itch not there the same. I tried the topamax half heartedly last year, but didn't give it my all. I think this may be good for me but I have to say I feel a bit 'fuzzy' headed from it. i'm hoping that will just go away. I may have a glass of wine tonight, but that is all i intend to have (2 is my limit also, and skipping as often as not) so i'll let you know. thanks.


            Mods postings

            Hi Irish and SD,

            There are a few of us Modders "out there", come and read about us in Long Term Mods a weekly thread called Mod Squad.

            Like Greenie mentiones, it is strongly suggested to do at least 30 days AF or longer. Have you read the book My Way Out yet? It's a great start to help get your plan together and figure out how you are going to approach your addiction.

            For me, one of the most important parts of my recovery was posting daily and going back and reading old threads of those who had been through it and reading their advice -- invaluable.

            I'm looking forward to getting to know you better:-)
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Mods postings

              It was nice to hear from you Irish and Dee--I just started 75mg of Topa today...of course haven't noticed any big changes yet? Just that 'drinking itch' as you put it, Irish, is gone...last night I was so pissed (super long story) I chose to drink wine (which I don't normally drink...I'm a beer girl)...which was dumb, I know...bad choice....won't do it again...and on my 2 week modding date!! Oh day. I continue to take the vitamins and the GABA...I'm having a hard time taking that powder there anything else you can take instead??? I also listen to the cds every night...I like those How's everyone else doing...any tricks I'm missing???
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Mods postings

                Thanks for the invite deebee, i'll go to that thread and follow. good advice; having a place to read and write/talk to others will help alot. i do agree that 30 days off is likely a very good discipline; I'm not quite there but I can see it will come. today is day 7, 6 days with naltrexone and i had 4 days 0, 2 days 2 (glasses wine) and one night messed it up and had 6 or 7. that was actually good perhaps as i was sicker the next day then i ever am, to my stomach and all. and i didn't really get 'buzzed' so now i really don't want to drink more then 1 or 2 when on this. we'll see...

