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    Hello :new:
    I thought I'd pop in and say hi, I've gotten into some bad habits with my drinks, and would rather moderate than not have at all! I don't suffer from cravings or anything, I would just go on my avo walk, and buy a bottle of wine on the way home, and polish that off, sometimes followed by a couple of vodka and cokes! Its not something I want to make "normal" for me.
    I'm 30, and I have a 10 month old bubba. He is my life (together with my husband!) and he also thinks I am drinking to much.
    Anyway, am going well so far, haven't had any wine on Sat/Sun/Mon nights, I don't even think about it, its only if I have bought it! Weird how the mind works, if its there, I have to have it! :thanks:


    Welcome Poppet! And well done you going without Sat, Sun, Mon! Weekends are hard. You seem to know where your weakness lies - if you've bought a bottle you think about it! I know I'm the same, if I've bought a bottle of vodka, I spend all day thinking about it - then I drink half of it and... shudder.

    I've always found that before trying to moderate, spending time alcohol free really helps and of course for me, not buying vodka.

    You may wish to download the My Way Out book available from this site. And importantly, keep reading and posting - that has certainly helped me.
    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message



      Thanks Vlad. Its a strange thing, I was totally fine my whole pregnancy too, just knew I couldn't have it. Was fine too when breastfeeding, and then as I weaned, I started! I don't want my son and any future children to always remember mummy having a wineglass every night. :-) I'll keep my eyes open too. And yeah, its great not waking up feeling guilty! :-)



        Hi and welcome to MWO Poppet.
        Stick around, read, post and learn.
        There is a mine of information here and lots of support.
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



            Hi Poppet,
            Glad you found us.



              So familiar

              Hi Poppet,
              My story is like yours, except I am 10 years down the track. I've been battling on and off to beat the bottle. I've tried a lot of things, and the only thing that works for me is total abstinence, except that when I fall off the wagon (and I always seem to - alcohol is a strong part of our culture) I really fall off.
              So I am trying moderation. Ie Abstinence without the self recrimination and binge drinking.
              Last night I had half a glass of wine. As soon as I felt the effects of the wine (the flushed cheeks and fuzzy rush) I stopped, and that was half a glass. Ten minutes later my craving was gone and I gave the rest of the wine to my husband. I kept telling myself that no drinking session is worth a bad night's sleep and hangover.

              I've been going to the gym and I get a natural high which lasts all day, so I am pretty content with that.

              Keep on working on it, it's worth it.

              If you are vain (in a good way - as I am) I remind myself of the sugar and empty calories, as well as the ravaging effects alcohol has on the skin and body and how aging it can be. We all know about broken capillaries and wrinkles, but what about the effects of no quality beauty sleep, a compromised liver with dull eyes, dehydrated skin and so on.

              I keep reminding myself of these things and it is so far stopping me from over indulging.


