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Did you know, that whenever someone says, "I think I'm on to something HUGE, I'm so excited, I love my life, I have total clarity..." it's like hitting an "On" button that throws countless supernatural, invisible mechanisms into action that gradually begin physically rearranging the props and events of their life so that they'll soon yield something HUGE, generate excitement, inspire love and provide clarity?
And that whenever someone says "I don't know what to do, it's all so hard, I hate my life, I don't ever want to come back to time and space... " it's like hitting an "Off" button...
Of course you did.
*****The Universe
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Still trying to catch up here at work so will make my end short and sweet. Hope all of you are doing well today and we will all think about the "I am excited part of not drinking!"
Finished work at 7:30 last night, ran home made some eggs and headed to the hospital. My dad is OK, as good as can be expected. Won't be going home for a bit. Tuesday night my brother left so, it's back to pulling full time again.
AF yesterday. Still no exercise - geez, getting home at 10 or later just don't have it in me.
Have an excellent day!
:l :h