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backslide and remorse

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    backslide and remorse

    Over the weekend I didn't drink, and also didn't take any supplements, or listen to the cds, except for the sleep learning one, so started thinking maybe I didn't need them. It was a really busy weekend and I didn't take any time for myself. Then, yesterday when I was doing errands (too many, again not taking time to reflect, etc) I got a 6 pack of beer, intending for it to last a couple of days or so, I guess. Over the course of the day I finished it, and sneaked out to the corner store and got another 6 pack and drank about 3 of them. My 5 year old daughter noticed that I had slipped out. Not cool. Bad mommy. In my mind I thought it was better than driving with her with me, and it only took 3 minutes, etc, but not good. So, that won't be happening again.

    This probably seems like twisted thinking, but sometimes I wonder if from a harm reduction standpoint it might be better to have more available so I don't feel like going out and getting more? On the other hand, maybe if I don't have any for a week I won't come up with these crazy ideas.

    I have abstained in the past, but always gotten bored and wanted to try moderating, and it has always escalated. I wonder if having one week AF a month would help or something.

    It was interesting to read the post that mod is easier after getting alcohol out of the system, which takes a week. I didn't know that. I was resisting the AF part, but apparently it's important...I guess I was feeling like all the stuff wasn't making much difference, but maybe it was if without it I failed so miserably.

    I have been sort of doing the program for about 3 or 4 weeks but maybe it would help if I was more consistent.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated...:thanks:

    backslide and remorse

    You're not a bad mommy, you're a good mommy with a drink problem which you want to do something about. But don't kid yourself you won't slip out again until you are a long way down the road to recovery, and definately don't fuel your addiction by buying more - if it's there, if you're anything like me, you'll only drink it.
    AL free since 24 October 2011


      backslide and remorse

      When I read this I thought, oh yeah, that's in the past , that won't ever happen again...but it did. Weird, being reminded of it should have made me more cautious but I messed up again. Luckily nothing horrible happened as a result but...stupid.

